Spanish American War
After the War
TR Foreign Policy

The US wanted land here for a naval base in the Pacific. Would later be attacked by the Japanese

What is Hawaii/Pearl Harbor?

This was the actual event that caused the United States to finally declare war on Spain.
What is the blowing up of the Maine?
The United States received land in Cuba for a naval base here. It is a prison today for suspected terrorists.
What is Guantanamo Bay?
Teddy Roosevelt left what position to volunteer and fight the Spanish American War.
What is Assistant Secretary of the Navy?
Teddy Roosevelt was the first President to do what, while in office?
What is travel out of the United States?
The United States wanted to make sure there was an "open door" policy in regards to this nation.
What is China?
One of the reasons for the Spanish American War was that we were fighting for this country's independence.
What is Cuba?

5 Medals of Honor were received by this all Black regiment that fought in the SPAN AM War

What are the Buffalo Soldiers?


This addendum to the Monroe Doctrine, basically told European nations that if they came into South or Central America we would use military force.(official name)

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?

The nation that refused to sell the rights to the Isthmus of Panama to the United States.
What is Columbia?
This nation attempted to achieve independence by going to war against the United States.
What are the Philippines?
Theodore Roosevelt led this group of volunteer calvary up San Juan Hill.
Who are the Rough Riders?

Name 2 islands/territories we received as a result of the Spanish American war.(not Cuba)

What are Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Phillippines?


In order to get the rights to the Isthmus of Panama for building a canal, TR supported what?

What is support a Panamanian Rebellion?


Name at least one obstacle to building the Panama Canal.

Possible answers- mosquitoes, terrain, mudslides

This nation was guaranteed its independence from Spain as a result of the Treaty of Paris 1898.
What is Cuba?

Of the territories we gained in the Spanish American War, name one that is still under some form of control or protection from the United States.

What is Puerto Rico?

Guam is acceptable answer as well

As a result of the Foraker Act, all people born in this country are considered to be citizens of the United States/
What is Puerto Rico?
Give 2 reasons as to why the Panama Canal was so important to both the United States and Teddy Roosevelt?
What is trade and being able to move the naval fleet from ocean to ocean?
A sensational style of writing that exaggerates the news in order to get more readers.
What is yellow journalism?
Name two reasons the United States decided to adopt a policy of imperialism in the late 19th century.
What is new economic markets, a belief in our cultural superiority, and a desire to be seen as a world power. (military reasons also)
Name 2 reasons why the United States was so interested in going to war with Spain.
What was Cuban independence, Imperialism, desire to have military bases, economic opportunity.

The martial artists in China that attempted to rid China of foreigners. 

Who are the Boxer's (Boxer Rebellion)

Teddy Roosevelt's approach to Foreign Policy was "speak softly and carry a big stick." This meant that
What is his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force.

Of all the territory we acquired from 1863 until after the Spanish American War, which was NOT an island and purchased from Russia.

What is Alaska?