Rights, Duties and Responsibilities
RAPPS + 5th & 14th Amendments
Citizenship 1
Citizen Community Service & Citizen Characteristics

Rights are given to people by the _________

What is government?


The amendment that gives citizens the right to remain silence to the police

What is the 5th amendment?


The 3 ways to be a U.S citizen

What is being born to american parents, born on US soil, are naturalized?


Two main parts of citizen community service

What is good citizen traits and thoughtful decision making?


The definition of being a citizen

What is a person loyal to a nation by birth or choice?


The types of action you face when you don't do civic duties

What is legal actions?


The other guarantee of the 5th amendment

What is due process?


The definition of a native born person in the U.S

What is a person born in the U.S or a child of a U.S citizen?


Impoliteness is a good citizen trait: True or False

What is false?


Something that is considered a public good or service

What is providing benefits to many individuals?


The legal consequences of not doing U.S responsibilities 



The 14th amendment tells people __________

What if you're born in the U.S, you become a citizen?


The amendment that defines a U.S citizen

What is the 14th amendment?


Reiterating designs to fit a larger goal is part of thoughtful decision making: True or False

What is false?


Citizens must perform _____ ______ for the government to be effective?

What is civic duties?


The 4 main duties of U.S Citizens

What is to Obey laws, pay taxes, serve in armed forces if called, serve on a jury or as a witness in court?


The amendment that listed the first 5 rights of U.S citizens

What is the 1st amendment?


The requirements to be a U.S citizen through naturalization

What is being at least 18 years old, lived in U.S for at least 5 years, haven't committed crimes, loyal to U.S, can read, write and speak basic English, and take a test on their knowledge of the U.S history and government?


Personal traits of a good citizen

What is trustworthiness and honesty, courtesy and respect for the rights of others, responsibility, accountability, and self-reliance, respect for the law, patriotism, participation in the school and/or local community and participation in elections as an informed voter?


The result of immigration and naturalization

What is U.S has become increasingly diverse?


The responsibilities of U.S citizens

What is it to Register and vote, Hold elective office, Influence government by communicating with government officials, Participate in political campaigns, Respect others’ rights to an equal right in government?



The meaning of RAPPS/ The rights guaranteed to U.S citizens by the 1st amendment

What is Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech?


What is Religion, Assembly, Petition, Press, and Speech


The 3 steps of the naturalization process (in order)

What is filing an application, Take an exam on US history and government, Appear before a judge to take an oath of loyalty?


The steps in thoughtful decision making

What is Formulating questions, Analyzing information from a variety of sources, Expressing a position, Devising and implementing a plan, and Practicing thoughtful decision making in personal, financial and civic matters?


Some ways in which citizens can work to change policies of the government

 What is voting for the candidate of their choice, writing a letter expressing a concern to a political official, Running for public office