Honoring the Flag
Raising and Lowering the Flag
Displaying the Flag
Storing and Retiring the Flag
Saluting the Flag

At an open flag ceremony, we honor the flag with a salute and this.

What is the Pledge of Allegiance?

The Pledge of Allegiance is a pledge of ourselves to make our country the best it can be.


You are one of two people lowering the flag. While the person is lowering the flag, you should be doing this until the flag is in your reach.

What is salute?


The U.S. flag should only be flown at night if this occurs.

What is proper lighting on the flag?


The U.S. is always stored in this way until it is time to be displayed.

What is folded?


The U.S. Flag is located on this area of the BSA Uniform.

What is the upper right sleeve?


When flown with other flags at different heights, the U.S. flag is given this position of honor.

What is flown above others (and to its own right)?

If flags are flown at equal heights, the U.S. flag is either flown in front  or farthest to its right.


When raising the flag with the halyard, this is how slow or briskly it should be done.

What is briskly?

The flag is raised briskly with keeping the halyard tight.


The U.S. flag should be placed on this side of a podium or stage. 

What is to right side of the speaker or staging area?  Other flags are placed on the left.


The U.S. Flag may be retired only when this occurs.

What is faded, tattered, or worn beyond repair?


Scouts, Leaders, and other participants not in uniform will greet the U.S. Flag by doing this.

What is placing your right hand over your heart?


When flown with other flags, the U.S. flag is lowered in this order.

What is last?


When lowering the flag with the halyard, this is how slow or briskly it should be done.

What is slowly?

Loosen the halyard from the pole and slowly lower the flag until it is within reach of the second person to gather the flag.


Only during this time can the U.S. Flag be flown at half-staff.

What is a time of mourning, national tragedy, or honor those who sacrificed their lives for our country?


In a ceremony of respect and dignity, the U.S. Flag is retired by this method.

What is burning?


While in uniform, this is what you do to greet the flag.

What is Scout Salute?


There are this many flag stripes and they represent this.

What are 13 and the first 13 colonies?


You are one of the two people raising the flag. Once the other person attaches the flag to the halyard raises the flag to the top, you should do this.

What is step back and salute the flag?


During a Open Flag Ceremony, the person holding the  U.S. Flag should be walking on this side toward the staging area.

What is the right?


It takes this many persons to fold the U.S. Flag.

What is two?

If only one person is lowering the Flag, they do not need to fold it until it is taken indoors to fold and store properly


Besides the Pledge of Allegiance, we also honor the Flag by singing this.

What is the National Anthem or Star-Spangled Banner?


When flown with other flags, the U.S. Flag is always raised in this order.

What is first?


When raising, lowering, folding, or holding the flag, this should never occur.

What is touching the ground?


The U.S. Flag should never be flown upside-down unless this happens.

What is a distress signal to call for help?


When the U.S. Flag is folded properly, you should only see this.

What are the white stars on a blue field?


This person composed the Pledge of Allegiance and in this year. 

Who is Baptist minister Francis Bellamy and 1892?