The Cold War in Latin America
Alliance for Progress

In October of 1962, U.S. President John F. Kennedy announced the presence of Soviet missiles in this Latin American country. 

What is Cuba? 


The Alliance for Progress was founded in this year. 

What is 1961? 


The 1959 triumph of a movement in Cuba created a new sense of urgency. 

What is the Fidelista movement? 


This country received aid from the Alliance for Progress which had a significant effect on rural development.

Who is Colombia? 


This social theory justified the formation of Alliance for Progress.

What is Modernization Theory? 


In May 1958, this country was Vice-President Nixon's first stop on his Latin American tour. 

What is Uruguay? 


From the United States' POV, this was the ultimate purpose of the Alliance for Progress. 

What is political gain? 


This UN charter article provided a juridical basis for the Rio Pact of 1947.

What is Article 51?


These were the principle goals of the Alliance for Progress. 

What was to improve/strengthen democratic institutions? Raise Per Capita Income? Land/redistributive reform?


This right-wing dictator, who was the recipient of the Legion of Merit from the Eisenhower administration for his anti-communist efforts, had fled Venezuela and found Exile in the United States. 

Who is Marcos Perez Jiménez?


The Alliance for Progress was considered a failure for these reasons. 

What is modesty in levels of economic aid? The misreading of social fact? a misunderstanding of the relationship between social change and political conflict?