3 Branches of Government
Legislative Branch
Legislative Branch
Presidential Election
Presidential Election

Why do we need three branches of government? 

For checks and balances of power


Congress is compose of two houses. What are their names?

Senate and House of Representatives


How many steps do the legislative process have?

5 steps


Why do we vote?

Voting allows people an opportunity to choose who they feel will be the most responsible candidate to speak and represent their beliefs and values.


Who can vote in a presidential election?

American citizens who are at least 18 years old.


What are the 3 branches of government?

Legislative, executive, judicial


What happens in the Philadelphia Conventions of 1787?

Participants from large states wanted the number of representatives to match their number of citizens. While participants from smaller states worried that they would have no power. 


What is the responsibilities of the legislative branch?

Introducing, debating, and passing bills.

Addressing the needs of the people they represent.

Conducting investigations of the Executive Branch and holding hearings.


What are the two main presidential party?

Democratic party and Republican party


Who can run for president?

  • Natural born citizen of the United States
  • Resident of the United States for at least 14 years
  • At least 35 years old 

What is the responsibility of each of the three branches of government? 

Legislative - Create laws

Executive - carrying out the laws

Judicial - Interpret the laws


What is the result of separating Congress into two houses?

By separating Congress into two houses, Americans can guaranteed equal representations.


What is the president of the Senate?

The Vice President


At voting locations, people are given a list of candidates to choose from, which is called a ______.



What are absentee ballots? 

These are for people who are unable to go to their official polling station. They are eligible to mail in a vote prior to Election Day.


What is a democracy?

Democracy is a governmental system where power resides with the people, either directly or through elected representatives.


How many members do each of the house of Congress have?

Senate: 100 members

House of Representatives: 435 members


Why is the legislative branch important?

The Legislative Branch plays a crucial role in our government.

It ensures a balance of power among the three branches.

Understanding its functions and responsibilities is essential for civic engagement.


What happens after Election day in November?

There is another election! This is done by the Electoral College.


Who gets the final say in who gets to be president?

Electoral College


Give an example of checks and balances between the three branches of government.

President can veto a bill sent from congress.

Congress can impeach supreme court judges or president

The Supreme court can overturn a law that they believe is unconstitutional


What do we call the leader of the House of Representatives? 

The Speaker of the House


What is one of the step in the legislative process? 

Introduce bills: Proposed legislation

Committee review: Examination and amendments

Floor debate: Discussion and voting

Conference committee: Reconciling differences between the House and Senate versions

Presidential approval: Signed into law or vetoed


What is the number of electors based on? 

The number of electors each state gets is based on the size of the population in the state.


How many electors are there in total and how many do you need to win the presidential election?

538 electors in total

Need 270 electors to win, that's more than half of the electors