Declaration Of Independence
Bill of Rights
People of the Past
U.S. Constitution
American Citizens

The city, state and date where the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What is Philadelphia, PA, July 4, 1776?


This term means to approve something by signing or voting.

What is ratify?


He was known as "The Father of the Constitution".

Who was James Madison?


Paul Revere opens a bell foundry this same year that The U.S. Constitution was written.

What is 1787?


Voting and volunteering are both examples of this.

What are citizens voluntary responsibilities?


The name of the first 10 amendments.

What is the "Bill of Rights"?


This is the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

What is guarantees the freedoms and rights of all citizens of the US?


He presided over the Constitutional Convention.

Who was George Washington? 


This is a change made to the Constitution.

What is an amendment?


List three examples of "mandatory citizen responsibilities".

What are... paying taxes, obeying laws, jury duty, serve as a witness if called upon, males must register for the selective service when turning 18?


What are two reasons for the Declaration of Independence? 

The DOI marked separation between 13 colonies and GB; established new American government; declared war against GB; lists the history of abuses under British rule. 


The right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, the right to a speedy trial and a trial by jury, are all this. 

What are rights in the Constitution?


He was considered the main writer of the Declaration of Independence.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


This law making body approves all changes to the Constitution.

Who/what is Congress?


The two ways that someone is considered a citizen by birth.

What is "Law of the Soil" and "Law of Blood".


These are the four parts of the Declaration of Independence.

What are Introduction(Preamble), Natural rights, Complaints of the Declaration, and Resolution of Independence?


Freedom of speech and the right to bear arms are examples of these amendments.

What are the First and Second amendments?


His name is synonymous with signature.

Who is John Hancock?


The reason why each state was only given one vote at the Constitutional Convention.

What is smaller states were threatening to not attend the convention if bigger states got more than one vote?


These are two ways that citizens play a role in the United States Government.

What are vote to elect leaders and serve in elected positions, pay taxes, obey laws and participate in jury trials?


The reasons why the declaration of Independence was written.

What was the official notification that the colonist gave to England that provided the reason they wanted independence?


The Sixth amendment states these rights.

What is the right to a speedy and fair trial by an impartial jury, right to be confronted with the witnesses, and the right to an attorney?


He represented Pennsylvania at the signing of the Constitution.

Who was Benjamin Franklin?


Weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation include these.

What is Congress had no money or a way to get it, States had more power than the national gov't, Congress could not make other states live up to trade agreements with other countries, and Congress had no power to prevent unfair competition between states? 


A process that a non-citizen goes through to become a US citizen. And it involves this...

What is naturalization? What is taking a test?