Key Terms 1
Key Terms 2
Key Terms 3
Key Terms 4
Multiple Choice
a means of communication that transmits some kind of information
What is medium
governmental or political attitudes held by a significant number of people
What is public opinion
In a(n) ____, people are polled based on percentages that are set to reflect the makeup of the overall group.
What is quota sample
The senator decided to check the results of a(n) ____ to obtain a sound indicator of how her constituency felt about the issue.
What is public opinion poll
Polls are taken to determine what?
What is determine people's attitudes and viewpoints.
private organization that works to affect public policy in order to benefit its members' concerns
What is interest group
a sample in which each member of the universe has an equal chance of being included
What is random sample
Because so many people were listening to the poet's political verses, he had become a(n) ____.
What is opinion leader
____ are made up of the people with whom one regularly associates, including friends, classmates, neighbors, and co-workers.
What is peer groups
The impact of the mass media on the public agenda can best be described as its ability to
What is focus the public's attention on specific issues.
portion of a population that can represent the whole population
What is sample
a sample constructed to represent the major characteristics of the universe
What is quota sample
In American politics a(n) ____ refers to the instructions or demands a constituency gives to its elected officials.
What is mandate
Public opinion includes only those views that relate to ____.
What is public affairs
Which of the following does NOT limit the influence of the mass media on public opinion? a. Only a small part of the public pays attention to politics. b. Voters tend to pay attention to sources with which they disagree. c. Most television programs have little to do with public affairs. d. Voters tend to pay attention to sources with which they agree.
What is Voters tend to pay attention to sources with which they disagree.
a sharply focused, short report that can be aired in roughly 30 to 40 seconds
What is sound bite
means of communication that reach widely dispersed audiences at the same time
What is mass media
The President hoped to sway ____ by asking people to reconsider the issue based on new information that had been revealed.
What is public opinion
The societal problems that political leaders and citizens agree need government attention are known as the ____.
What is public agenda
Attitudes held by a significant number of people concerning governmental and political questions are known as
What is public opinion.
a poll that tries to assess opinion simply by asking the same question to a large number of people
What is straw vote
the instructions voters give to their elected officers
What is mandate
The ____, including television and radio, have a huge effect on the formation of public opinion.
What is mass media
A(n) ____ is a person who has more than the average influence on public opinion.
What is opinion leader
The most reliable measure of public opinion is? a. straw votes. b. quota samples. c. scientific polls. d. pressure groups.
What is scientific polls.