"Do no harm"
What is the Word Health Organization's role?
Provides medical services during disasters
This is the amount that a policyholder must pay before a health insurance policy pays a benefit
What is the USDHHS and its role in healthcare?
US Dept of Health and Human Services and it oversees Social Services & SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program)
What is Medicare?
Federal program that provides healthcare for individuals over the age of 65
Who invented the microscope?
What is the FDA and what does it do?
Food and Drug Administration; monitors safety of our food, drugs, and cosmetics
What is the specific dollar amount (ex: $25) that is charged for a medical service or prescription drug?
Co-payment (or Copay)
What is AHRQ and its role in healthcare?
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; improves safety and quality of healthcare
What is Medicaid?
Federal and State government agency that provides healthcare to people with low income
Who discovered the aseptic techniques? (disinfecting)
Joseph Lister
What is OSHA and what does it do?
Occupational Health & Safety Agency; keep employees safe and healthy
This is the percentage of medical expenses paid by a policy holder
Who discovered the DNA structure?
Watson and Crick
What is the VDH and its role in healthcare?
Virginia Dept of Health; educates about emergency preparedness; tracks disease outbreaks in VA;
Who discovered X-rays?
WC Rontgen
What is the CDC and their role?
Center for Disease Control; it is our national health protection agency; a reference lab for the world
This is the annual maximum limit ater which a health insurance company will cover 100% of medical expenses
Out of pocket maximum
Who were the first nurses?
Monks and Nuns
What is the DHP and its role in healthcare?
Dept of Health Professionals; provides license for health professionals
Who helped discover vaccines?
Edward Jenner
What is the NIH and its role in healthcare?
National Institute of Health; enhances health, lengthens life, reduces disability and illness; invests billions of dollars in research in order to do so
What is a premium?
The amount you pay every month for health insurance
Who discovered microorganisms?
Robert Koch
Worker's Compensation is what?
Health insurance that provides treatments for individuals that are injured on the job.