America and the World
Colonial America
American Revolution
American Government
Early America
Expansion and Industry
Build up to Civil War
Civil War and Reconstruction

The main belief of the Enlightenment was that _____ could be used to combat ignorance, superstition, and tyranny and to build a better world.

a. Reason

b. Laws 

c. Faith

d. All of the above

a. Reason


The Pilgrims and Puritans came to Massachusetts for what reason?

a. To look for gold

b. To make money 

c. To have a new king

d. To have religious freedom

d. To have religious freedom 


 The Declaration of Independence does which of the following?

a. Declares that governments get their power from the consent of the people

b. Declares every man's house is his castle

c. Guarantees free education for all people

d. Abolishes slavery

a. Declares that governments get their power from the consent of the people


Why is the U.S. Constitution described as a living document?

a. The document unites the past to the future 

b. The document was written on paper made from bamboo plants

c. Government workers guard the document 24 hours per day

d. The document can be changed based on the needs of the people

d. The document can be changed based on the needs of the people


John Adams was an extremely unpopular President due, in part, to the passage of which Act?

a. Stamp Act

b. Alien and Sedition Acts

c. Friend Act

d. Jones Act

b. Alien and Sedition Acts


Which of the following was NOT involved in westward expansion during the 1800s?

a. Trail of Tears 

b. Mountain men fur trappers 

c. The Gold Rush

d. Settlers traveling on wagon trains


b. Mountain men fur trappers 



According to the Emancipation Proclamation, slaves would only be set free in what parts of the country?

a. All over the country 

b. Only west of the Mississippi 

c. Only states in rebellion

d. In the North

c. Only states in rebellion


What battle in the Civil War was a turning point where Union forces turned the Confederate forces commanded by Robert E. Lee back from Pennsylvania? 

a. Battle of Vicksburg 

b. Fort Sumter 

c. The Battle of Antietam

d. Battle of Gettysburg

d. Battle of Gettysburg


European colonization in the late 15th century was driven by powerful states financing exploration in hopes of:

a. Securing safe passage to Antarctica 

b. Securing better access to the canals of Amsterdam

c. Finding new trade routes to Asia

d.  Controlling the Mediterranean Sea

c. Finding new trade routes to Asia



What was the most disastrous consequence of contact between Europeans and the indigenous residents of Massachusetts? 

a. The increase of conflict between England and France 

b. The introduction of Christianity 

c. The importation of English crops and animals 

d. The introduction of smallpox, which which killed ⅔ of the native population

d. The introduction of smallpox, which which killed ⅔ of the native population 


Which battle became the first battle of the American Revolution?

a. The Battle of Breed’s Hill

b. The Battle of Lexington and Concord

c. The Battle of Bunker Hill

d. The Battle of Medford

b. The Battle of Lexington and Concord


Balancing power between the federal government and state governments is called?

a. Republic 

b. Democracy

c. Dictatorship

d. Federalism

d. Federalism


Which of the following was not a big accomplishment of Thomas Jefferson's presidency?

a. Keeping the national bank

b. The Louisiana Purchase 

c. Ending the national bank

d. Lowering taxes and reducing the size of the military

 c. Ending the national bank


Manifest Destiny was the belief that:

a. Capitalism was critical to economic growth in the United States

b. The United States should be a Christian nation

c. The United States was meant to expand from east coast to west coast

d. All of the above 

c. The United States was meant to expand from east coast to west coast


The Union had an advantage in materials & men, but the Confederacy had__________________.

a. …better military leaders

b. …more cannons 

c. …better guns 

 d. …more to fight for

a. …better military leaders 


The 13th Amendment abolished slavery, but it did not address citizenship for African Americans.  What law eventually did?  

a. 15th Amendment 

b.14th Amendment

c. 17th Amendment 

d. 16th Amendment

b.14th Amendment


Revolutions took place in all of the following places in the early 1800s except where?

a. France

b. Latin America

c. Ireland

d. Haiti

c. Ireland


In order to solve the debt of the United States, what did Alexander Hamilton propose?

a. Borrowing more money from European powers 

b. Creating a bank of the United States to manage the economy 

c. Printing a significant amount of money

d. Moving the capital to a new city called Washington D.C.


b. Creating a bank of the United States to manage the economy  


Why was a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution of the United States?

a. The writers of the constitution did not trust the American people to know their own rights 

b. Added with the hopes of later abolishing slavery

c. The “natural rights” of United States citizens needed to be protected 

d. To support the ideas of the French Revolution

c. The “natural rights” of United States citizens needed to be protected 



The Constitution’s three branches of government - legislative, executive, and judicial - can limit each other's power. What is this limit to power called?

a. Checks and balances

b. Reviews and balances 

c. Reviews and steadiness 

d. Checks and steadiness

a. Checks and balances


In the case Marbury vs. Madison the Supreme Court did what?

a. Banned slavery

b. Banned segregation based on race 

c. Put the power of the states over the national government

d. Established judicial review


d. Established judicial review 



The term Industrial Revolution best refers to:

a. a series of technological developments that transformed manufacturing.

b. the steam-powered technologies that revolutionized transportation.

c. a group of pro-industry leaders who took politics by storm.

d. the various inventions manufactured to make communication easier.

a. a series of technological developments that transformed manufacturing.


 How did the Underground Railroad help enslaved African Americans?

a. It seized weapons from guardhouses and gave them to slaves.

b. It established a colony in Africa where escaped slaves could live.

c. It provided a network of escape routes toward the North.

d. It published abolitionist literature on its printing presses.

c. It provided a network of escape routes toward the North.


The Fourteenth Amendment:

a. recognized African Americans’ right to vote.

b. recognized citizenship of those born in American territories regardless of race.

c. recognized citizenship to American males regardless of race.

d. recognized citizenship of women and African Americans.

b. recognized citizenship of those born in American territories regardless of race.


After the French and Indian War, what did the American colonists and the British disagree over?

a. What the holiday celebrating victory in the war should be

b. What to do with indigenous nations 

c. How to negotiate a peace treaty with France

d. Who should pay for the war’s debts

d. Who should pay for the war’s debts 


The Monroe Doctrine?

a. Was about American relations within Asia

b. Allowed the United States to invade Latin American countries 

c. Had nothing to do with American domestic policy 

d. Proclaimed European countries could not colonize countries in the Western Hemisphere


d. Proclaimed European countries could not colonize countries in the Western Hemisphere 


Which of the following parts of the Great Compromise was written into the Constitution?

a. The national capital was moved to Washington D.C.

b. Enslaved peoples were counted as 3/5th of the population

c. The president has two term limits 

d. The Slave Trade ended

b. Enslaved peoples were counted as 3/5th of the population



What are the two houses of Congress in the U.S. government?

a. House of Representatives and the Senate

b. House of Lords and House of Representatives

c. Houses of Commoners and Representatives

d. Parliament and the Senate

a. House of Representatives and the Senate


The Lewis and Clark expedition was dispatched primarily to?

a. report on the physical features and the plant and animal life of the Louisiana Territory.

b. establish trade with Indian tribes

c. prepare maps and test Spain’s hold on Oregon

d. All of the above


d. All of the above


Jim Crow laws were expanded after the Plessy v. Ferguson case, which popularized what phrase?

a. Separate but equal

b. Separate and conquer 

c. Divide and unequal 

d. Divide and conquer

a. Separate but equal 


Who was John Brown, and what was his significance in the lead-up to the American Civil War?

a. A senator from South Carolina who advocated for secession from the Union

b. A prominent abolitionist who led a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859 to try to start a slave rebellion

c. A Union general who played a key role in several important battles during the Civil War

d. A Supreme Court justice who wrote the majority opinion in the Dred Scott case

b. A prominent abolitionist who led a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859 to try to start a slave rebellion


President Johnson’s Reconstruction plans were very lenient on Southern states.  They responded by passing the Black Codes.  What were the Black Codes? 

a. Rules for African Americans seeking to win political office 

b. Laws that sought to limit the rights of African Americans

c. Regulations for African Americans to move out of Southern states 

d. All of the above

b. Laws that sought to limit the rights of African Americans 


What made Haiti the most valuable colony in the Caribbean?

a. The abundance of sugar cane plantations 

b. The natural beauty and rich minerals in the soil

c. The exotic birds that would be traded 

d. The abundance of cotton and rice fields

a. The abundance of sugar cane plantations 


Which of the following places is associated with an event that is considered the only “victory” for Native Tribes during the Indian Wars?

a. Red River 

b. Little Bighorn

c. Wounded Knee

d. Sand Creek

 b. Little Bighorn


What was the first document for the national government in the United States created during the American Revolution?

a. The Articles of Confederation

b. The Constitution

c. The Declaration of Independence

d. The Magna Carta

a. The Articles of Confederation


What was so memorable about the end of George Washington’s presidency, which sparked a tradition among other President’s?

a. Giving up all their wealth

b. He decided to end after only two terms

c. Enforcing the laws of the United States 

d. Keeping the United States neutral in foreign affairs

b. He decided to end after only two terms




All of the following are areas that were Reform Movements in the early 1800s in America EXCEPT what?

a. Utopian societies

b. Mental Health 

c. Public Schools 

d. Environmental preservation

d. Environmental preservation


The Homestead Act required settlers to do all of the following EXCEPT what in order to get 160 acres of free land in the West?  

a. Live on the land for five years 

b. Build a permanent dwelling

c. Farm

d. Fight with Native Tribes

d. Fight with Native Tribes 


All of the following are connected to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 EXCEPT:

a. Bleeding Kansas 

b. Treaty of Paris 

c. Abraham Lincoln

d. Stephen Douglas

b. Treaty of Paris 


What organization provided food, clothing, health care, education, help seeking employment, legal counsel and more to African Americans during Reconstruction?  

a. Organization for Helping Former Slaves 

b. Society of Friends for Freedmen 

c. Freedmen’s Bureau 

d. Bureau of Free African Americans

c. Freedmen’s Bureau