Pre Columbus
Colonial Regions
Migration & Conquering

Colonies under the control of the British king or queen

Royal Colonies


Native people’s nomadic way of life centered around hunting migrating buffalo herds in this region. This is because the region’s climate had harsh winters and brutal summers as well as a lack of resources and minimal trees.

The Great Plains


The Virginia Company tried to entice settlers to come to Jamestown by offering which of the following?

Free Land 


This allowed the Hohokam and Pueblo peoples to thrive in the desert.

Irrigation Systems


Which explorer is credited with the first contact in the Americas, as he landed on the island of Hispaniola (present day Haiti & Dominican Republic)?

Christopher Columbus 


Colonies financed by having investors pay a share of the cost  - thus profits (and losses) were shared by all of the investors thus lessening the risk 

Joint Stock Companies or Colonies


This region was covered by almost a million square miles of woodlands. Most tribes provided for themselves by combining hunting and fishing with farming.

Eastern Woodlands or The Northeast


These colonies grew cash crops like tobacco, rice, indigo, and, later, cotton that needed lots of land and labor

The Southern Colonies


Arab navigators perfected the ______, which was used by the Portuguese and other European countries to determine direction, latitude, and time on ships at sea by using the sun.

The Astrolabe


Where do many scientists believe the first people in North America came from?



Colonies were supervised and governed by individuals who had been granted huge tracks of land by the British king or queen in return for political favors 

Proprietary Colonies


Because of the dry conditions of the desert, trees were in short supply. So Native tribes built dwellings using adobe instead of wood. Ideal for a desert climate, adobe, as it insulates against daytime heat and nighttime cold. The region’s peoples also developed irrigation systems to make agriculture possible despite limited rainfall.

The Southwest


What were the most profitable industries in New England?

fishing, lumber and shipping


New fast ships made in Portugal



Which Spanish explorer sailed to present day Mexico with conquistadors to find gold and wealth?

Hernan Cortez


A conflict in which Nathaniel Bacon organized a revolt first against the Native Americans, then against the Virginia Governor, was called what?

(Led to Jamestown being burnt to the ground)

Bacon's Rebellion


This region had the rich soil of the floodplains due a major river and was well suited to the intensive cultivation of maize and beans. This allowed tribes to build permanent settlements, pyramids, mounds and central areas of trade.

The Mississippi River Valley


This colonial region grew corn and other vegetables, wheat, oats, fruits, and raised livestock.

The Middle Colonies


In the 1300s, Europe was looking for a new trade route to Asia because the old routes (Constantinople) were controlled by _________________, making trade with Asian markets unreliable.

Arab and Italian states or merchants


What spurred English settlers to begin colonizing North America in the 1500s?

Religious and Economic Upheaval (Issues)


Native Americans, led by Metacom, were upset over rapid settlement growth and their treatment fought against English settlers throughout New England.

This was called?

King Philip's War


Native groups in this region fished for halibut, whales, and seals. They used the abundant cedar trees for houses, canoes, and fishing gear. With plenty of food, they built permanent villages and prospered from trade with nearby groups.

The Pacific Northwest


Trade between the Caribbean, British North American colonies, and England was called

The Triangular Trade


The sharing of irrigation technology and the spread of maize (corn) cultivation was called what?

The Agricultural Revolution


Many colonial products could only be sold to England or other English colonies was part of what law?

The Navigation Acts