Short Answer
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Short answer pt 2
Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass pt 2
  • What was a “good death” in the 19th-century US? How did conditions during the Civil War challenge these notions? How did soldiers try to respond?

  • The idea of a good death in the 19th century U.S revolved around either being surrounded by loved ones or as a male it was represented by dying in war. Though the ideal death in the 19th century was never pictured as a death to be alone but surrounded by loved ones. This was pictured in the reader sections 7 and 10 as people who died in war were surrounded by comrades.  


American Colonization Society / American Anti-Slavery Society

The American Colonization Society (ACS) was formed in 1816 with the primary goal of assisting free black people in the United States to emigrate to Africa. The organization believed that by resettling African Americans in Africa, particularly in what is now Liberia, they could escape racial discrimination and oppression and also spread Christianity and civilization to the African continent.

The American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS) was founded in 1833 by prominent abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappan. It was one of the earliest and most influential abolitionist organizations in the United States.

  • What was the Seneca Falls Convention? What document did its attendees produce? What did they demand? Why are their demands important?

  • The Seneca Falls Convention was a pivotal event in the history of women's rights in the United States. It took place on July 19-20, 1848, in Seneca Falls, New York. Organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and several other activists, it was the first women's rights convention in the United States. At the convention, attendees discussed various issues related to women's rights, including suffrage (the right to vote), property rights, employment opportunities, and educational equality. The convention produced the "Declaration of Sentiments,"


Why doesn’t Frederick Douglass know his birthday?What does he tell us about his parents and his family’s history in that first chapter?

He explains that his mother was a slave and his dad was most likley a white man. HIs family was torn apart due to slavery and he was seperated from his mother and rarely saw her throughout his childhood. He also mentions he has several sibilings. He doesn’t know his birthday because of slavery, the right of knowing your birthday was not allowed to enslaved persons.  


Thinking about the narrative as a whole, why does he spend so much time talking about Christianity? Why does he call slaveholders hypocritical Christians and why does he take pains to prove his own moral worth as a Christian?

He tried to distinguish his and the abolitionists version of christianity. He says that the slave owners have a faulty version of Christianity because they act like they're christians, then go and treat slaves the way they do.


What was the Dred Scott decision and why was it so important?

The Dred Scott decision was a landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1857. Dred Scott, an enslaved man, had sued for his freedom on the grounds that he had lived in states and territories where slavery was prohibited. The Court, however, ruled against him, stating that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, could not be considered American citizens and therefore had no standing to sue in federal courts. Additionally, the Court declared that the Missouri Compromise, which restricted slavery in certain territories, was unconstitutional.


War of 1812 / Mexican American War “Positive good” defense / moral suasion

  • The War of 1812 was fought between the United States and Great Britain.The "Positive Good" defense was a justification used by some Southern slaveholders to argue that slavery was not just a necessary evil but a positive good for both enslaved people and society as a whole. It asserted that slaves were better off under the care of benevolent masters than they would be if left to their own devices. The "Positive Good" defense emerged in the early 19th century, gaining prominence particularly in the decades leading up to the Civil War.The defense of slavery as a "positive good" was part of a broader ideological and political divide between the North and South over the institution of slavery. This ideological divide played a significant role in shaping the political landscape of the United States, eventually leading to the Civil War

The Mexican-American War was fought between the United States and Mexico.Moral suasion was a strategy employed by abolitionists to convince people of the immorality of slavery through moral and religious appeals, rather than through political or legislative means.Moral suasion emerged as a key strategy of the abolitionist movement in the early to mid-19th century.Moral suasion represented a shift in tactics within the abolitionist movement and contributed to the broader social and political debates surrounding slavery in the United States. While it did not immediately lead to the abolition of slavery, it helped to raise awareness about the moral implications of the institution and laid the groundwork for later abolitionist efforts, including the eventual emancipation of enslaved people in the United States.


What is a tariff? Why did tariffs become so controversial in the 19th century?

A tax placed on goods being either exported or imported. They became so controversial in the 19th century because they benefited mainly northern states and raised the costs  to southern agricultural exporting industries. It also spawned corruption and political favoritism for some industries over others.


How does Douglass finally learn to read and why is this accomplishment so important to him?

When in Baltamore Douglas makes friends with these white boys down the street who offer to teach him how to read. Douglas learning to read was huge because now he can build stronger cases for his fight against slavery.  


Again, thinking of the narrative as whole, who is it written for and why is Douglass writing it? What purpose was this narrative meant to serve?

The intended audience is the white people in the North. Frederick tells the ins and outs of the cruelty of slavery and what he had to do to escape and survive. 

  • Why did southern states see Lincoln’s election as the last straw and what did they do about it?

The southern states saw Lincoln's election as the last straw because they were worried that their current way of life and the way they did everything would be over. In other words they feared that his election would end slavery which was a huge part of the economy in the south. After Lincoln was elected the southern states started to secede from the Union. South Carolina was the first state to succeed from the Union and then the rest followed. Then on April 12, 1861 the Civil War started.


Second Party System / Third Party System

The Second Party System refers to a period in American political history from roughly the early 1820s to the mid-1850s, characterized by the dominance of two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Whig Party. This system emerged in the wake of the collapse of the First Party System, which had been defined by the rivalry between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republican Party

The Third Party System in the United States refers to the political landscape that emerged after the Civil War and lasted roughly from the mid-1860s to the 1890s. It was characterized by the dominance of two major parties: the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. This period was marked by significant political realignment and the consolidation of party loyalty along regional and ideological lines


What was the Second Great Awakening? How did it influence American society?

  • The Second Great Awakening was a religious revival movement that took place in the United States during the early 19th century, roughly from the late 1790s to the 1830s. It was characterized by a surge in evangelical fervor, a focus on personal salvation, and a widespread belief in the possibility of individual spiritual transformation.


What does he tell us about what life was like for the enslaved peoples who lived on Colonel Lloyd’s plantation?  What kind of master was Col. Lloyd?

The life on the plantation was horrible they lived in cramped and crowded areas and barely had food and clothing. The colonel was a tyrannical rich and powerful master who ruled his plantation with iron fists.  



Why is smoking weed not good for nick

Using marijuana, like any substance, can have potential drawbacks and risks depending on the individual and their circumstances. Some reasons why smoking weed might not be good for someone like Nick include:

  1. Health Effects: Smoking marijuana can have adverse effects on respiratory health, including chronic cough, bronchitis, and lung irritation. Frequent or heavy use may also contribute to long-term health issues such as respiratory infections and impaired lung function.

  2. Mental Health: While some people use marijuana for its potential therapeutic effects, excessive or long-term use can be linked to mental health issues such as anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis, particularly in individuals who are predisposed to these conditions.

  3. Cognitive Function: Chronic marijuana use, especially when started at a young age, has been associated with cognitive impairments, including memory and attention problems. This can affect academic or professional performance and overall cognitive abilities.

  4. Dependency and Addiction: While not as addictive as substances like nicotine or opioids, marijuana can lead to dependency and addiction in some individuals, particularly with frequent or heavy use. Dependency can lead to difficulty in controlling use and experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut down or stop.

  5. Legal Consequences: Depending on where Nick lives, using marijuana may be illegal, leading to potential legal consequences such as fines, probation, or even incarceration. Even in places where marijuana is legal for recreational use, there may still be restrictions and regulations regarding its use.

Ultimately, whether smoking weed is not good for someone like Nick depends on various factors including his health, personal circumstances, reasons for use, and any potential negative impacts on his life. It's essential for individuals to weigh the potential risks and benefits of marijuana use and make informed decisions based on their own needs and circumstances. If Nick has concerns about his marijuana use, he may consider seeking guidance from a healthcare professional or counselor.

  • Who was John Brown? What two events was he involved in during the 1850s? How did those events influence the coming of the Civil War?

  • John Brown was an American abolitionist who played a significant role in the lead-up to the Civil War. He was born in 1800 and became deeply committed to the abolitionist cause, believing that armed insurrection was necessary to overthrow the institution of slavery


Manifest Destiny / Indian Removal Act

Manifest Destiny was a widely held belief in the United States during the 19th century that it was the destiny and duty of the nation to expand its territory across the North American continent. This expansion was often framed as a divinely ordained mission to spread democracy, civilization, and Protestant Christianity from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

The Indian Removal Act was a law passed by the United States Congress in 1830 during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It authorized the removal of Native American tribes living in the southeastern United States from their ancestral lands to territories west of the Mississippi River, primarily in present-day Oklahoma.


What was the new democracy of the Jacksonian Period? Who benefitted most from it and why was that important?

The Jacksonian Period, named after President Andrew Jackson, was characterized by the rise of a more inclusive form of democracy in the United States during the early to mid-19th century. This era saw the expansion of suffrage to white males regardless of property ownership, marking a significant departure from the more restrictive voting policies of earlier times


How does his life change once he goes to Baltimore? To what extent is slavery different in the city than on the plantation?

Life changes because he goes from a rural plantation to an urban setting. There the work is less strenuous and he gets to learn many trades in this part of slavery, but his basic human rights were still not allowed.  



How does Douglass eventually escape from slavery but why is he reluctant to give many of the specific details of his escape?  

Fredric Douglas escaped slavery and ended up in New York city. He did it strategically by disguising himself as a free African American sailor. In the book is says how he escapes, but Douglas could go into grave detail. He would tell his secrets not just for him but others too. If Douglas shared this information publicly it could jeopardize many slaves looking for freedom. If he let his strategy out to the public many people would start to understand what the slaves were doing to get free and put a stop to it. That is why Douglas did not share too much of his story to the public.  

  • What was the Compromise of 1850 and how did it intensify sectionalism in the US?

The Compromise of 1850 was a series of laws aimed at settling disputes over slavery. It allowed California to join the United States as a free state, gave some new territories the right to decide on slavery, and made it easier for slave owners to reclaim escaped slaves.The Fugitive Slave Act, in particular, angered abolitionists and heightened anti-slavery sentiment in the North


Kentucky & Virginia Resolutions / doctrine of nullification David Walker / Nat Turner

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were two separate but related political statements issued in 1798 and 1799 by the state legislatures of Kentucky and Virginia, respectively. These resolutions were written in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, which were passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President John Adams in 1798

The doctrine of nullification was a theory that asserted the right of states to nullify federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. It became particularly contentious in the decades leading up to the Civil War, with southern states using it as a means to resist federal laws perceived as threatening to their interests, particularly regarding slavery


Thinking of your readings for discussion (doc 7-10 in the Reader), why did Andrew Jackson favor Indian removal and how did he justify it?

Jackson's support for Indian removal was driven by a combination of expansionist goals, racial prejudice, and the desire to resolve conflicts between settlers and indigenous peoples. He justified it through legal, political, and ideological arguments that aligned with the interests of white settlers and the broader aims of westward expansion.


Thinking about these first chapters, what was Douglass’s childhood like on the plantation?  Does he suffer much or not?

Douglass suffers more mentally than physically. His childhood on the plantation was no easy task he had to see his mother be taking away from him and also watch men be brutaly beaten some even killed. And this was all happening as a young child.


Slater’s mill / cotton gin

Slater's mill was the first water powered textile mill in America and it opened in 1793. It was located in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and it was modeled after cotton spinning mills first established in England. 

The cotton gin was a machine that separated cotton from its cotton seeds which meant people didn’t have to pick it by hand anymore. It was invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney. These are very similar because they were the first of a kind machines which meant people didn’t have to do everything by hand. It was so important because it showed innovation and how far technology was coming along.