Early Colonization
Colonial Rights
Colonial Revolt
War for Independence

What was the name of the ship that carried the pilgrims to America?

The Mayflower


What was the wave of religious fever that swept throughout the colonies known as?

The Great Awakening


What did the proclamation line of 1763 do?

Prohibited colonial expansion past the Appalachian Mountains. 


Definition: A localized military defense force made up of civilians 



Definition: A huge requiring a large labor force to grow crops for a profit. 



The first continental congress took place in which group of colonies?


The Middle Colonies


This legislative body in England enacted taxes laws on the colonies



What was the primary method used by the colonists to protest the tax laws enacted by Britain?

Boycotting British Goods


The American Revolution began with which two battles?

Lexington and Concord


Definition: Attacking your enemies with speed and surprise, then immediately retreating. 

(Blending back into the environment.) 

Guerilla Warfare 


Explain the difference between and Indentured Servant and a Slave

Indentured Servant: Willingly gives up their freedom for a certain amount of time

Slave: Is taken against their will and forced to work, with little hope of freedom


What main religions were common in the colonies?

- Catholics

- Quakers 

- Puritans/Protestants 


Explain what the Olive Branch Petition was. 

How did King George II response?

It was a last attempt to make peace with England. 

King George II rejected the petition 


Explain the viewpoints held by the Patriots, Moderates, and Loyalists

Patriots: Favored American Independence. Anti-British sentiment. 

Moderates: Mainly wanted to be left alone. Had no opinion or plans to intervene in the war

Loyalists: Favored British rule in the colonies. 


After Europeans discovered the new world, the interchange of plants, animals, disease, and technology began between Europe and the Americans. This was known as...

The Columbian Exchange 


Describe 3 different ways European colonization of America impacted the Native American population.

- Technology (Guns, Horses,)

- Animals (Horses, Cows, Sheep, Pigs)

- Treaties (Often unfair or not honored) 

- Disease 


What did the Magna Carta & The English Bill of Rights do for British subjects?

- Limited the power of the king

- Granted individual rights to British subjects (ex. Right to a jury trial)

-Introduced the ideas of due process of law


What did the book Common Sense by Thomas Paine argue for?

American Independence from the colonies 


How did the entry of France change the outcome of the American Revolution?

France brought more men, arms, and supplies to the fight in the colonies. 

France also helped train the continental army into being a better fighting force


This colonial city was originally Dutch and was named "New Amsterdam."

(Hint: This is one of the largest cities in America.)

New York City


Explain the main differences between the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. 

- New England Colonies: Northern most group of colonies. Cold short growing seasons. Economy is based off of ship building. 

- Middle Colonies: Warmer climate. Many port cities with trade. Held the first continental congress. 

- Southern Colonies: Hot-humid climate. Many slaves. Agriculturally based. Long growing seasons. 


Explain the importance of the Act of Religious Toleration in Maryland, 1649.

The colonial government began to crack down on the constant fighting between religious groups. The Act of Religious Toleration decreed that "no Christian would be troubled for practicing his or her religion."


Explain 3 events that strained the relations between Great Britain and the colonies.

- The Proclamation of 1763

- The Stamp Act

- The Boston Massacre 

-The Townshend Acts (The Intolerable Acts)

-The Boston Tea Party


Describe what the Treaty of Paris was, and its results. 

-Officially ended the American Revolutionary War 

-Britain recognized U.S independence

-Britain gave up any territorial claims up to the Mississippi River. 


Describe the harsh conditions George Washington and his army faced during the winters at Valley Forge

- Extreme cold and snow

-Mass famine

-Disease and sickness
