How Many Electoral votes does it take to win the presidential election
What was the first US State?
What was the first war the United States Fought in?
American Revolutionary War
California has a population of 39,128,162 and New York has a population of 19,571,216, what is the difference between the two states
When was Texarkana Arkansas founded
How many times has someone lost the popular vote but won the presidency?
What was the last US state to join the Union
When did the US join world war one?
April 6, 1917
How many people per square mile live in Arkansas?
Hint: Arkansas is 53,179 square miles
Arkansas Population is: 3.068 million
Pop/Land Area
What was the reason Texarkana was founded?
Major Railroad intersection
Which President was never elected:
Gerald Ford
James Polk
Martin Van Buren
John Tyler
Gerald Ford
What is the largest state in the Union
665,384 Sq Miles
When did the US join World War 2?
December 1941-September 1945
If Arkansas had a population of 3.031 million in 2020, and a current population of 3.068 million what is the average per year increase of the population
9,250 persons per year
Who is the current Mayor of Texarkana?
Allen Brown
How long did the longest serving president stay in office?
12 years
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
What is Puerto Rico considered
How many was has the US been involved in?
15 total with 12 being major wars
What is the population of Alaska?
Who is the current congressman serving for Texarkana?
Steve Womack
How many terms can a US president serve
What is the smallest state?
Rhode Island
1214 Sq Miles
How big is the US military?
What is the US total population?
Who is the current state representative for Texarkana Arkansas
Carol Dalby