The Gilded Age
The Progressive Era
Emergence As A World Power
Boom Time
The Great Depression
A federal land grant that allowed citizens who were 21 and the head of their family to claim 160 acres as long as they improved the land.

What is the Homestead Act?


A book written by Upton Sinclair that exposed the horrors of the meat packing industry.

What is The Jungle?


In the 1900s the U.S. shifted its involvement in world affairs from a isolationist policy, to...

What is expansionism?


A policy of protecting the interests of Native-born citizens at the expense of immigrants.

What is nativism?


The Stock Market Crash which occurred on October 29, 1929, when billions of dollars were lost on the New York Stock Exchange, was known as...

What was Black Tuesday?


This act, written by Theodore Roosevelt, made it illegal for businesses to get too big and powerful.

What is the Sherman Anti Trust Act of 1890?


A news form of presenting little or no legitimate, well-researched news while instead using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Today we call this “Clickbait.”

What is yellow journalism?


Theodore Roosevelt invaded Cuba with his Rough Riders and defeated Spain at this battle which led to the end of the war.

What is the Battle of San Juan Hill?


In Sept. 1920 bombs were set off on Wall Street, killing 38 people and damaging the house of the U.S. Attorney General. This led to thousands of immigrants being deported or arrested in these raids.

What were The Palmer Raids?


These shanty towns were created by the homeless throughout the United States who blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression.

What were Hoovervilles?


This invention created by Cyrus McCormick, helped speed up farming and industrialized the farming process.

What is the mechanical reaper?


The co-founder of The Hull House in Chicago which focused on helping immigrants preserve their cultural values while helping them better assimilate into a more American lifestyle.

Who is Jane Addams?


This man worked to expand the power of the U.S. by helping them acquire Hawaii through annexation and became the president of Hawaii after Queen Liliuokalani was disposed of, along with becoming the governor after annexation.

Who is Sanford B. Dole?


These 2 immigrants, were charged with robbery and murder at the Slater and Morrill shoe factory in South Braintree. Without sufficient evidence or a fair trial, the two men were convicted and sentenced to death July 14th, 1921.

Who were Sacco and Vanzetti?


This series of domestic programs, public work projects, and financial reforms and regulations established a significant role for government involvement in stabilizing the economy at both the state and federal level and marked a significant change in the role the federal government plays in the lives of U.S. citizens.

What was The New Deal?


The Transcontinental Railroad was the first Railroad to connect east to west, connecting Sacramento, California to...

What is Omaha, Nebraska


A set of laws named after a racist minstrel or show act that portrayed a white male portraying an African American by putting black face paint on, that were intended to enforce racial segregation.

What are Jim Crow Laws?


President William McKinley was assassinated in 1901 by this anarchist who believed McKinley was the head of a corrupt government.

Who is Leon Czolgosz?


This was the study of human improvement by genetic means used as a way to get rid of racial and biological “mistakes.” Including the forced sterilization of “undesirables.”

What is Eugenics?


Mexicans were blamed for the economic crisis and hostility towards Mexican and Mexican-American workers intensified. This blaming caused President Hoover to institute a program of...

What was "real jobs for real Americans"?


The founder of the American Federation of Labor, which was a labor union that consisted of skilled white men who opposed unrestricted immigration and demanded shorter work days with higher wages.

Who is Samuel Gompers?


During the 1920s, this racially motivated group was able to infiltrate local and state politics with its support for candidates.

What is The Klu Klux Klan


Trench warfare often created a stalemate where neither side would advance for long periods of time, causing...

What is trench foot?


An era of songwriting that began in Manhattan, when many new genres like blues, jazz, and ragtime were mixed together to form American Pop Music.

What was Tin Pan Alley?


This government program was created to tackle important problems facing the valley, such as flooding, providing electricity to homes and businesses, and replanting forests.

What is the TVA? (Tennessee Valley Authority)