Great Depression
Cold War
The 2000's

The main goal of this inflammatory group was to keep down the newly acquired rights of black people.

Who is the Ku Klux Klan?


A geographical barrier (type of landscape) encountered by pioneers traveling west that made travel difficult.

What are mountains or rivers or deserts?


This new method of mass production was used to turn raw materials to consumer products - Henry Ford used it to make his cars

What is the assembly line?


The outcome of the U.S. participation in this war resulted in the addition of overseas territories to gain raw materials and expand trade.

What is the Spanish American War?


The name given to the temporary settlement communities during the Great Depression (hint- named after the president at the beginning of the Depression).

What are Hoovervilles?


The Cold War was mainly a non-military struggle for world-wide economic and political influence and control between these two countries.

Who are the United States and Soviet Union?


The US is involved in this part of the world because of this region's reserves of oil and the US economic dependence on oil.

What is the Middle East?


This amendment granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. and required that laws be applied equally to all citizens

What is the 14th Amendment?


During the post-Reconstruction Era, the United States began to develop its western territories. Name a group of Americans who contributed to this development. 

Who are miners or ranchers or farmers?


Name the two main immigration stations for arriving immigrants.

What are Ellis Island and Angel Island?


This was the first Cold War conflict over the spread of communism and resulted in the country being divided with a guarded barrier between the North and South.

What was the Korean War?


This event marked the end of the economic boom of the 1920s.

What was the Stock Market Crash?


The U.S. government used this policy to respond to the Cold War tensions of the 1950s (hint- not domino theory)

What is containment?


In order to carry out the policy of containment, the US assisted in the rebuilding of Europe after WWII by giving over $12 billion in economic assistance through this plan.

What is the Marshall Plan?


This federal agency was established to help former slaves by providing food, clothing, medical care, education, and some protection from hostile environments in the South.

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


This not only provided a means of travel to the West, but also allowed cash crops (corn, wheat), cattle, and hogs to be transported to processing centers which helped major industries such as flour milling and meat processing develop in cities like Chicago.

What is the transcontinental railroad?


During the Industrial Revolution in the United States, the economy shifted from agrarian (farming) to an economy based on _______________________.

What are manufactured goods?


Peace document that brought an end to World War I and heavily punished Germany for their actions as the aggressor.

What was the Treaty of Versailles?


The Dust Bowl mainly affected this group of people located in this region of the U.S.

Who are farmers in the Midwest?


This event was the closest the United States and the Soviet Union actually came to fighting each other during the Cold War (hint- had to do with missiles).

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Allows for people and products to freely travel from one nation to another. 

What is globalization?


After the Civil War, Southern states in 1865 and 1866 passed these laws restricting African Americans' freedom, and forcing them to work in a labor economy based on low wages or debt (hint: something codes)

What are black codes?


The West became more developed as the government provided land to settlers through this.

What was the Homestead Act??


Workers were unsuccessful in meeting with their bosses. Name one of three common demands workers had when forming Unions.

What is safer working conditions, shorter hours, and better pay?


In order to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific during WWII, the United States used this military strategy.

What is island hopping?


This outlawed the production and distribution of alcohol and was intended to control the immigrant population, but was repealed in the early 1930s.

What was Prohibition?


Examples of ______________________ (hint- Niestadt teaches this class).

What is Pop Culture?


True or False:

Improvements in the area of computers, electronics, satellites, and global communication systems have not changed the way that Americans communicate with one another and with others around the world. 

What is false?


The area on the map where you would have been most likely to find sharecropping.

What is C?


This battle marked the end of Native American resistance to the reservation policy (hint: it begins with wounded and the second word is a body part)

What is the Battle of Wounded Knee?


Goals of the __________________ (hint- we did an umbrella project on them)

Who are the Progressives?


Name two ways the Vietnam War was different from the Korean War.

What is fought in jungle environment and first war covered on TV?


U.S. President who introduced a wide range of programs, called the New Deal, which focused on three goals: relief, recovery, and reform.

Who is President Franklin Roosevelt?


In 1964, Congress passed this, which prohibited segregation in public places, provided for the integration of schools, and made employment discrimination illegal.

What is the Civil Rights Act?


The presence of American military forces in the Muslim country of Saudi Arabia (in preparation for freeing Kuwait of Iraq's invasion) led to increased activity of Al Qaeda against the U.S.  Al Qaeda masterminded the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

The World Trade Center attack led the U.S. to overthrow the governments of ________, which was harboring Al Qaeda, and ________, which the US mistakenly believed was developing weapons of mass destruction. 

What is Afghanistan and Iraq?