19th century issues
Fragments or Not
Punctuate that!
European Discovery of the Americas
American Revolution and Government

Who fought in the Civil War?  

The Northern States vs. the Southern States (the Union vs. the Confederacy). 


As I lay dying. 

Yes. A complete sentence would be, "As I lay dying, I thought about my parents." 

I went to the store and bought chicken rice and bread

I went to the store and bought chicken, rice, and bread. 


What year did Columbus sail to the Americas? 



When was the Declarartion of Independence written? 



What was the Civil War primarily about? 

The battle to end slavery


Which caused a pint of blueberries to fall on the floor. 

Yes. A complete sentence might be, "I fell on the table, which caused a pint of blueberries to fall on the floor." 


Although we call them Native Americans many researchers believe they were a people originally from Asia

Although we call them Native Americans, many researchers believe they were a people originally from Asia. 


Where did Columbus supposedly think he was when he first set foot on land in the Caribbean? 


How many Amendents are in the Bill of Rights? 

a. 3

b. 8

c. 27

d. 10

d. 10

Why did so many Irish emigrate to the U.S. in the middle of the 19th century? 

Because of the potato blight which caused a famine in their country


A dark barked loudly in the house. 

No, not a fragment. This is a complete sentence as it contains a subject verb and object. 


Because many researchers think the Native Americans came from Asia some people like to use the term "First Nations' People" to describe them 

Because many researchers think the Native Americans came from Asia some people like to use the term "First Nations' People" to describe them. 


What were the two reasons for the establishment of colonies at Jamestown in Virginia and Plymoth in Massachusetts? 

To grow tobacco in Jamestown and to gain religious freedom in Massachusetts. 


What does the first Amendment to the Constitution NOT include? 

A. Freedom of religion

B. Freedom of speech

C. Freedom to have low-priced beer

D. Freedom of assembly

C. beer


When the Irish first tried to find jobs here, they often saw a sign that said "INNA." What did that mean? 

Irish need not apply. 


The fruit bounced and rolled everywhere. 

No, it's not a fragment. It's a complete sentence
The First Amendment to the Constitution protects freedom to practice one's own religion and it also protects freedom of speech right of assembly right to petition the government and freedom of the press

The First Amendment to the Constitution protects freedom to practice one's own religion, and it also protects freedom of speech, right of assembly, right to petition the government, and freedom of the press.


What happened to many of the Native Americans after the arrival of Columbus? 

Many of them died, some through war with the Europeans, but most because of disease


What are the three branches of government described in the Constitution? 

The legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch


The Chinese Exclusion Act prevented Chinese people from coming here in 1882, but later it was overturned because of the Supreme Court ruling that this was unconstitutional under what amendment? 

The 14th Amendment


My wife was tired, which caused her to fall asleep at the movies. 

No, it's a complete sentence. Why? 


While writing the Constitution James Madison consulted Thomas Jefferson

While writing the Constitution, James Madison consulted Thomas Jefferson. 


How many colonies did the Europeans set up under the British Empire? 



What does the legislative branch or Congress do? 

Passes or writes laws