Westward expansion
Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Great Depression and New Deal
Roaring 20's

Why did Americans want to move into the west?

Many went to escape the crowding and poverty of the cities of the east. Many went to earn their fortunes. Others went to escape from crimes or creditors.


How many years after the Civil War did the US become an industrial power house?

80 years


Trustbusting, the suragettes, and the Pure Food

and Drug Act are associated with the

Progressive Era


What happened to the prices of the stocks of the major industries between May 1928 and September 1929?

The average price of stocks increased over 40%


What was prohibition?

Prohibition was an amendment to the US Constitution making it illegal to make, sell, distribute, buy, or drink alcoholic beverages.


Who were Louis and Clark?

Co-leaders of an expedition tasked with exploring land that the United States had recently acquired.


How many families had as much money as the other 11.6 million people in the US?

4,000 families


President Theodore Roosevelt changed the policy

of the United States most in the area of

 conservation of natural resources


What were the major causes of the Great Depression?

- Overproduction and under consumption
- Uneven distribution of income
- Stock market speculation ---buying on margin
- Excessive use of credit


What was a flapper?

A flapper was a woman during the 1920s who rejected the concepts of women as subservient.


What is Manifest Destiny?

 Manifest Destiny was the belief popular in the United States that not only could we move west, but we were fated or destined to do so. To make the United States stretch from Coast to Coast.


What connected the country together?



Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott were

best known for their struggle to

secure the right of women to vote


What was the New Deal?

Policies that focused on three goals to relieve the problems of the Depression. Relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform.


How did flappers affect American society?

While flappers were a small percentage of American women, they dominated the fashion and movie scenes, thus giving the rest of American women models to emulate, in part or in whole. As a result, attitudes and expectations underwent major changes.


What were some of the problems caused by settlers moving west?

Settlers moving west were encroaching on Native American territories. While some Native American tribes were willing to accommodate the settlers, others fought back.


Who was one of the biggest entrepreneurs of this period?

Andrew Carnegle


5. What was a major result of Prohibition in the

United States during the 1920s?

increase of organized crime


What did Roosevelt do during the Hundred Days?

Expanded the role of the Federal Government by passing more than 15 major pieces of legislation.


What is a speakeasy?

A speakeasy was the name for the neighborhood bar generally run and provided by a member of organized crime


Who gave us the phrase Go West Young Man?

The editor of the New York newspaper, most authorities actually believe that Greeley was paraphrasing from another author.


Where did the immigrants come from? 

Ireland, Italy, Russia, Scandinavia, Asia, and Latin America.


The tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company

fire of 1911 drew national attention to the need to

protect  the safety of workers

Why was life difficult for farm laborers during the Depression?

Most agricultural work had little to no protection under the law. Wages had fallen to 9 cents per hour and any attempt to unionize was meet with violent resistance from the government and employers.


How was the stock market involved?

People with spare cash saw the stock market as a way to get rich quick. If you bought a stock and it went up you made money. Many Americans put money into the stock money.