Formed the Standard Oil Company in 1869
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
Gave the Atlanta Compromise speech
Who is Booker T. Washington?
The terrorist organization which was dedicated to worldwide Communist revolution
What is the Third Communist International?
The president referred to as the Great Humanitarian
Who is Herbert Hoover?
Passed the Pendleton Civil Service Act
Who is Chester Arthur?
Promoted a Square Deal
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
Proposed the League of Nations
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Proposed the New Deal program
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
The first state to grant full political privileges to women
What is Wyoming?
The greatest American hero from WWI who was from Tennessee
Who was Alvin York?
The amendment that banned the sale of alcohol
What is the Eighteenth Amendment?
All member bank accounts were insured for up to $5000 through this
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)?
Invented the telephone
Who is Alexander Graham Bell?
Built the largest steel company in the world
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
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The state which earned the title Centennial State
What is Colorado?
President McKinley favored this as the standard to back US currency
What is gold?
The amendment which gave Congress the power to tax personal incomes
What is the Sixteenth Amendment?
The year WWI began
What is 1914?
The nation which was promised American land in return for helping Germany in WWI
What is Mexico?
Baseball's first great home run hitter
Who is Babe Ruth?
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The year the Great Depression began
What is 1929?
The government project which built roads, bridges, public buildings, and other structures
What is the Works Progress Administration?
The year the Panama Canal opened
What is 1914?
The year of the Spanish-American War
What is 1898?
The year of the Bolshevik Revolution
What is 1917?
The year of the Wright brothers' first successful powered flight
What is 1903?
Add 500 points to your score
The reason the Age of Industry was also known as the Gilded Age
What is the growth of industry also led to the growth of political and social corruption?
The major shortcoming of the Kellogg-Briand Pact which led to its eventual failure to prevent future wars
What is it ignored man's sin nature?
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Led the American Expeditionary Force in WWI
Who is John J. Pershing?
The year of the World's Fair
What is 1893?
Wrote the Grapes of Wrath
Who is John Steinbeck?
Organized the Committee for Industrial Organizations
Who is John J. Lewis?