Cold War
Civil Rights Movement
70s, 80s, and 90s

This was the mass extermination of Jews and other people considered undesirable by the Nazis party during WWII.

What is the Holocaust?


This is a type of war in which the two sides do not physically fight one another. The US and USSR were locked into the most famous one of these following WWII until the 1990s.

What is a Cold War?


This woman refused to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery which prompted the Montgomery Bus Boycotts.

Who is Rosa Parks?


This is the pursuit of equal rights for women. There was a significant surge in this ideology during the 1970s.

What is feminism?


This terrorist attack shook the country changing many aspects of American life afterward.

What were the 9/11 Attacks?


This is the idea that a country does not want to get involved in a war. The US tried to maintain this policy before both WWI and WWII but was eventually drug into the war anyway.

What is neutrality? 


This is the idea used by both the US and USSR to try and prevent a nuclear war by saying that if one side launched a nuclear attack, the other would respond with a nuclear attack of their own.

What is M.A.D. or mutually assured destruction?


This man was a major leader of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s and he gave the famous speech entitled, "I Have a Dream."

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?


This group of people in the counter-culture protested the Vietnam War. They preferred to be called "freaks" or "love children."

Who were the hippies?


This man became president of the country after the election of 2000. He led the country in the post-9/11 days.

Who was George W. Bush?


On December 7, 1941, Imperial Japan launched a surprise attack on this naval base of the United States that pulled the US into WWII.

What is Pearl Harbor?


This was the economic system of the Soviet Union or USSR that had the government controlling all factors of the economy. The US feared the spread of this.

What was communism?


This refers to a group of 9 black children who were among the first students to be integrated into the combined school system in Arkansas.

Who were the Little Rock Nine?


This man was President of the United States during most of the 1980s. He led the charge for the country reverting to an era of conservatism.

Who was Ronald Reagan?


This storm created a large amount of damage in the city of New Orleans and other cities near the Gulf of Mexico.

What was Hurrican Katrina?


This man was the President of the United States during the Great Depression and most of WWII.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


These were countries that were influenced by the Soviet Union or USSR but remained independent countries.

What were satellite countries?


This was a major piece of legislation from the Civil Rights Movement that integrated the bus system and limited literacy tests for voting in 1964.

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1964?


Reaganomics was the idea from President Reagan that advocated for large tax cuts for businesses and that the money would make its way to the workers. This led to this economic theory.

What was the Trickle Down Theory?


This man was the first African-American President of the United States.

Who was Barack Obama?


President Harry Truman decided to drop two of these on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to bring the war with Japan to a swift end.

What are atomic bombs?


This was the US foreign policy where they wanted to stop the spread of communism during the Cold War.

What was the containment policy?


Lyndon Johnson tried to end poverty and racial inequality through a program he called this.

What is the Great Society?


This invention became much more prominent during the 1990s and led us into the .com era. 

What is the internet?


In 2008, the housing market plummeted leading to this. 

What was the Great Recession?