Columbus to Colonies
Early Republic

The widespread transfer of plants, animals, people, culture, and technology between Europe, Africa, and the Americas is known as this.

Columbian Exchange


Fighting in this war began in 1754 over the Ohio River Valley between the French, British, and Native Americans.

French & Indian War (Seven Years War)


Known originally for his depiction of the Boston Massacre, this man became most famous for his "midnight ride," warning minutemen that British soldiers were on their way to capture a patriot weapons depot in Concord, Massachusetts.

Paul Revere


This served as the basis for the first government of the United States, but was too weak to run the country effectively, due to it's inability to collect taxes, raise money, regulate trade & commerce, or settle disputes between states. 

The Articles of Confederation


This 1823 document set the precedent for American foreign policy for generations of U.S. Presidents to follow.

The Monroe Doctrine


The trade of raw materials, manufactured goods, and enslaved people, between Europe, Africa, and the Americans is known as this.

The Triangular Trade


These two different treaties with the same name ended the French & Indian War in 1763 and the Revolutionary War in 1783. 

Treaty of Paris


This "radical" political group formed in opposition to the Stamp Act, and was responsible for the Boston Tea Party. 

Sons of Liberty


Creating lower federal courts, enforcing the law, being referred to as Mr. President, retiring after two terms, and creating a Presidential Cabinet were all _________ set by George Washington during his time in office. 



Congress passed tariffs in 1828 and 1832 signed into law by President Andrew Jackson, leading to the resignation of Vice President John C. Calhoun during this crisis. 

The Nullification Crisis 


This was the first permeant British settlement in North America.



This Revolutionary War Battle became famous for Washington and his troops crossing the Delaware River to surprise British-allied Hessian mercenaries. 

Battle of Trenton 

The site of the "Shot Heard 'Round the World," this was the location of the first battle of the American Revolution.

Lexington & Concord


President Thomas Jefferson purchased this from France in 1803 for $15 million, doubling the size of the U.S. 

Louisiana Territory


Signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830, this forced native Americans in the Southeast to leave their homelands and march west along the infamous Trail of Tears. 

Indian Removal Act 


This colonial region became a religious outpost for persecuted groups like the Puritans.

New England


The Continental Army and French navy surrounded the British, forcing them to surrender in this final battle of the Revolutionary War.



This famous Pennsylvania site was home to Washington's winter camp in 1777-78 where colonists battled both smallpox and the elements before rallying under the training of Baron von Steuben.

Valley Forge


Purchasing land from another nation and declaring an embargo against another country were two examples of how __________ grew the power of the presidency.

Thomas Jefferson 


Starting in the 1820s, temperance, abolitionism, women's equality, and public education all became causes furthered by this movement.

The Second Great Awakening 


England was motivated to establish colonies in the Americas due to the raw materials they could acquire to ship back to Britain to turn into manufactured goods under this profitable system.



The Battle of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write this.

The Star-Spangled Banner


This man wrote Common Sense, and pamphlet persuading people in the colonies to join the cause of independence from Britain.

Thomas Paine


British interference with trade, impressment of Americans, supposed supplying of Native Americans to fight against colonists, and control of Canada were all reasons President __________ declared War against Britain in 1812. 

James Madison


This 1831 Virginia slave uprising saw 50 white people killed, and resulted in further brutality against black Americans in response. 

Nat Turner's Rebellion