Westward Expansion
Politics & Legislation
Progressive Movement

Which statement best describes the economic significance of the event depicted in the cartoon?

A.  It led to the near extinction of buffalo through widespread slaughter.

B. It led to treaties that eventually forced American Indians onto reservations.

C. It improved communication between people living on the east and west coasts.

D. It brought products from eastern industries to the growing markets west of the Mississippi.

D. It brought products from eastern industries to the growing markets west of the Mississippi.


Which of the following ecological and social consequences developed from corporate mining and railroad expansion in the West? Select all that apply.

A. extended rail lines led to overproduction in crops

B. developed into an individualistic landscape

C. increased living standards for all Americans

D. increased vigilante activity

E. greater social harmony with imported labor

F. excessive mining and land production stripped the landscape of natural resources

extended rail lines led to overproduction in crops 

increased vigilante activity

excessive mining and land production stripped the landscape of natural resources


What economic theory is being expressed in this quote?
"You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." ~William Jennings Bryan, 1896 

A. The speaker advocates the free coinage of silver and the use of silver-backed currency.

B. Wall Street speculation in the gold market will soon lead to an economic collapse.

C. The Subtreasury Plan will provide a stable supply of agricultural products to cities.

D. Government ownership of railroads will provide adequate supplies of farm products.

The speaker advocates the free coinage of silver and the use of silver-backed currency


Which of the following individuals were supported by Populists in the late 19th century? [Select ALL that apply] 

A. Terrence Powderly

B. William McKinley

C. Alton Parker

D. Woodrow Wilson

E. William J. Bryan

Terrence Powderly

William J. Bryan


Which BEST describes the social significance of the Pullman Strike? 

A. The government continued its precedent of crushing worker autonomy, Eugene Debs was arrested, and public opinion failed to support the strike.

B.  strike populated socialism among working-class constituency in the northern U.S.

C. George Pullman advocated dramatic reforms to corporate welfare and union relations.

D. The strike united American labor unions together in a national league of support.

A. The government continued its precedent of crushing worker autonomy, Eugene Debs was arrested, and public opinion failed to support the strike.


"Here was a population, low-class and mostly foreign, hanging always on the verge of starvation, and dependent for its opportunities of life upon the whim of men every bit as brutal and unscrupulous as the old-time slave drivers; under such circumstances immorality was exactly as inevitable, and as prevalent, as it was under the system of chattel slavery."

This excerpt comes from which book, published in 1906 by a famous investigative journalist and novelist?

A. The Jungle

B. Oil!

C. Dragon's Teeth

D. The Profits of Religion

The Jungle


Which of the following were NOT causes of the Spanish-American war? 

[Select ALL that apply]

A. America's growing interest in imperialism

B. sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

C. America under pressure from high tariffs

D. America's desire for an exclusive trade relationship with Cuba

E. Cuba wanting independence from Spain

C. America under pressure from high tariffs

D. America's desire for an exclusive trade relationship with Cuba


At the beginning of __________the United States abandoned its policy of ____________ and joined World War I.

A. 1914; Imperialism

B. 1915; Big Stick Diplomacy

C. 1916; Moral Diplomacy

D. 1917; Isolationism

D. 1917; Isolationism


Examine this list of movies produced by the motion picture industry: 

  • God's Little Acre (1958)
  • In the Heat of the Night (1967)
  • Mississippi Burning (1988)

These movies affected Americans' stereotyping of certain social groups by making some Americans believe that the South  ____________________.

A. was inhabited by literate people best described as "hillbillies"

B. was populated by white southerners who are grasping, immoral, racists obsessed with oppressing African-Americans

C. was a region of towns where gunfights in the street were a common occurrence

D. was a better place for African slaves to be than in Africa

B. was populated by white southerners who are grasping, immoral, racists obsessed with oppressing African-Americans


This cartoon was published in 1883.

Which of the following could have been inferred by this cartoon?

A. It is the destiny of every American to travel and settle the West.

B. The American Indian way of life will be threatened as more settlers move west.

C. The government will give out large land subsidies and cash bonuses to all citizens traveling west.

D. The Progressives have a problem with western expansion and the destruction of the environment.

B. The American Indian way of life will be threatened as more settlers move west.


During the 1870s, workers began to express their concerns with the current state of the economy as well as their status. This eventually led to what is known as the Granger movement.

Which demographic was the Granger movement mostly populated by?

A. politicians

B. railroad workers

C. miners

D. farmers




Which of the following were characteristics of federal monetary policies in the 1920s?

[ Select two choices ]

A. stock volatility

B. high banking fees

C. reduced government budget

D. low tariffs

E. tax cuts for individuals

C. reduced government budget

E. tax cuts for individuals


Why was the Populist Party able to gain support so quickly? 

A. The Populists sided with immigrants who had not yet gotten their new lives started in America.

B. Small businesses agreed with the Populists that the federal government should have more regulation over larger corporations.

C. The Populists represented farmers who had not yet been fully represented in the federal government.

D. Native Americans saw the Populists as someone who would voice their concerns to the federal government.

The Populists represented farmers who had not yet been fully represented in the federal government.


Which of these events contributed to the transition of the US economy away from laissez-faire capitalism and toward an increasingly regulated economy?

A. the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act

B. the ruling in the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court case

C. the tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire

D. the publicity surrounding the Tennessee v John T. Scopes trial

C. the tragedy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire


Following the publication of the book The Jungle, the federal government responded with which law to alleviate the dismal conditions described by the author?

A. Federal Labor Act

B. Federal Meat Inspection Act

C. Humane Slaughter Act

D. Packers and Stockyards Act

B. Federal Meat Inspection Act


In 1898, the United States ignited a war against Spain for territories it held within the Western Hemisphere. Which of the following helped instigate that conflict?

[Select ALL that apply]

A. Mexico invaded the United States.

B. Yellow journalism in the U.S. spread enthusiasm for war.

C. The U.S. wanted to annex Venezuelan oil fields. 

D. The explosion and sinking of the USS Maine.

E. President McKinley was assassinated.

F. The Teller Amendment was passed in 1898.

B. Yellow journalism in the U.S. spread enthusiasm for war.

D. The explosion and sinking of the USS Mai


Which of the following were NOT reasons the United States entered World War I?

[Select ALL that apply] 

A. German attacks on American soil

B. unrestricted German submarine warfare

C. sinking of the Lusitania

D. Zimmerman telegram

E. Germany declared war on the United States

A. German attacks on American soil

E. Germany declared war on the United States


Examine the list below of singers and their songs.

  • Bob Dylan - "The Times They Are a-Changing"
  • Marvin Gaye - "What’s Going On?"
  • John Fogerty - "Fortunate Son"
  • Jim Morrison - "The End"

The central theme of these songs, as well as many other songs of the 1960s, is:

A. the country is at peace and the economy is strong

B. the system is corrupt, racist, and violent

C. Baby Boomers are creating problems and must be removed from power

D. communism is destroying America and needs to be defeated

B. the system is corrupt, racist, and violent


What theory of federal monetary policy is being expressed in this cartoon?

A. Control of the money supply should be kept in the hands of private banks to ensure stability.

B. Currency should be backed by gold to ensure it maintains its value in foreign banks.

C. Currency should be backed by silver because gold will oppress the American farmer.

D. All currency and coins should be under the control of the Federal Reserve System to avoid inflation.

Currency should be backed by silver because gold will oppress the American farmer.


What was the most common goal of the Granger movement's members?

A. make it easier to keep politicians in office

B. put emphasis on the needs of farmers

C. create higher pay laws for railroad workers

D. create regulations that made mines safer to work in


put emphasis on the needs of farmers


Which of the following was MOST LIKELY a cause of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff? 

[Select ALL that apply]

A. America was trying to make more money from European countries that needed assistance during WWI.

B. Countries with a weaker economy would be less of a threat in a future military conflict.

C. The U.S. was responding to the recovering agricultural market in Europe.

D. Taxes on produce would increase farmers' income.

E. The tariff would effectively reduce the amount of produce being exported from the U.S.

C. The U.S. was responding to the recovering agricultural market in Europe.

D. Taxes on produce would increase farmers' income.


The "separate but equal" doctrine from Plessy v. Ferguson primarily supported which social practice?

A. dissolution of segregationist policies

B. promotion of interracial dialogue and unity

C. integration of public facilities in Northern states

D. development of segregated public amenities and institutions

development of segregated public amenities and institutions


The U.S. Patent Office granted a patent, in response to the patent application shown below, to Thomas Edison on January 27, 1880. The patent was not for the product’s invention but for an improvement to an earlier design. The improved design made the product reliable, safe, and practical. 

 How did Edison’s improvement to this product most likely affect the lives of factory workers? 

A. by increasing the hourly wages of factory workers

B. by extended to working hours of factory workers

C. by allowing factory workers to have more leisure time

D. by allowing factory workers to mass-produce items on an assembly line

B. by extended to working hours of factory workers


Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle after __________which made a large impact on the American public and pressured _______________ into action to pass legislation to correct the issues exposed in the book. 

A. losing his brother in a meat factory accident; Grover Cleveland

B. becoming hospitalized after eating rancid meat; William McKinley

C. reading an article in his local newspaper; William H. Taft

D. working in the meat industry; Theodore Roosevelt

D. working in the meat industry; Theodore Roosevelt


Which of the following are NOT characteristics of "yellow journalism"?

[ Select TWO choices ]

A. large headlines containing frightening messages

B. fake interviews and pseudoscience

C. advanced photographic evidence

D. political endorsements for publications

 E. popular sentiment for the "underdog"

F. sensational supplements and comic strips

C. advanced photographic evidence

D. political endorsements for publications


One contributing factor in the United States' decision to enter World War I on the side of the ______Powers resulted from a(n)__________being destroyed by a(n) ___________.

A. Allied; passenger ship; German submarine

B. Central; submarine; Bulgarian Man-O-War

A. Allied; passenger ship; German submarine


After World War I, the United States experienced nearly a decade of rapid economic growth and cultural consumerism. Radio, movies, art, and music provided many Americans with new experiences. These rapid changes stirred significant controversy in the nation as well.

How did mass culture in the 1920s facilitate a paradox in American life?

[Note: Paradox is a tenet contrary to received opinion.]

A. Mass consumption fueled the expansion of the middle class and urban life but challenged traditional values in America.

B. Movies and radio provided mass entertainment, but average Americans had little free time to consume these forms of media.

C. Immigration increased, which boosted the labor force and market consumption, but was not accompanied by cultural assimilation.

D. Economic growth produced numerous goods, but the American international market remained slowed by worldwide destruction following the Great War.

A. Mass consumption fueled the expansion of the middle class and urban life but challenged traditional values in America.


What message is intended by this poster?

A. Labor unions are using scare tactics to trick people into joining and paying dues.

B. If women go back to being wives and mothers, children will have better lives.

C. Labor Unions are not just about pay; they improve America's social fabric.

D. If unions are not controlled and regulated, even children will be forced to join labor unions.

C. Labor Unions are not just about pay; they improve America's social fabric.


Which statement best describes one way in which the Dawes Severalty Act affected American Indians?

A. The act allowed American Indians to apply for land allotments and learn new farming techniques, resulting in increased crop yields.

B. The act allows settlers to buy surplus land allotments and to assimilate with the American Indians, resulting in the strengthening of tribal identities.

C. The act allowed the federal government to break up tribal lands and sell surplus land to new settlers, resulting in the weakening of American Indian tribal identity.

D. The act allowed local politicians to give surplus land and agricultural equipment to their supporters, resulting in the reduction of American Indian resistance to settlement.

The act allowed the federal government to break up tribal lands and sell surplus land to new settlers, resulting in the weakening of American Indian tribal identity.


President Herbert Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930. What policies did the bill enact to help the American economy?

A. The bill halted all foreign immigration to reduce competition for jobs in the U.S.

B. Reducing prices on raw materials and consumer products, the Act sought to encourage purchasing power for average Americans.

C. The tariff implemented protectionist trade policies for U.S. farmers and manufacturing.

D. The Act mandated banks lower their interest rates and eliminate predatory loans.

C. The tariff implemented protectionist trade policies for U.S. farmers and manufacturing.


Federal legislation called the____________ ultimately failed to challenge the power of corporations in the American marketplace because ________________.

A. Clayton Anti-trust Act; American unions failed to organize efficiently and utilize the law's power

B. Keating-Owen Act; conservative opponents defunded the federal commission appointed to enforce the law

C. Sherman Antitrust Act; the Supreme Court sided with business interests in every lawsuit based on the legislation

C. Sherman Antitrust Act; the Supreme Court sided with business interests in every lawsuit based on the legislation


Given the population densities on the map, which industry (historically) most likely attracted Vietnamese immigrants?

A. agriculture (farming)

B. shrimping (fishing)

C. railroads (maintenance)

D. mining (coal)

B. shrimping (fishing)


The important black intellectual and political leader Marcus Garvey would have advocated for which of the following social values or ideas?

[Select ALL that apply] 

A. cultural assimilation

B. Jim Crow laws

C. black nationalism

D. separatism

E. The Atlanta Compromise

F. separatism

G. sharecropping

black nationalism



The United States seizing control of Cuba for its own benefits is an example of _________

A. capitalism

B. nationalism

C. liberalism

D. imperialism



"Wars between nations come from contacts. A nation with which we have no contact is a nation with which we should never fight. In this scheme now before us, we would have a number of new contacts; with a number of new nations with which we have had no previous contacts."

     -Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, 1919

Based on the above quote, the "scheme" that Senator Lodge is referring to is the _________ which would make America a member of the League of Nations, burdening the nation with international obligations.

 A. Treaty of Paris

B. Treaty of Versailles

C. NATO Treaty

D. Helsinki Accords

B. Treaty of Versailles


Which answer BEST describes why some young American modernists were called the “Lost Generation”? 

A. As artists, they lost the ability to interpret their own work for audiences.

B. Once abroad in Europe, they lost interest in American values and nationalism.

C. They lost faith in the capacity of Western civilization as a social institution for human progress.

D. They endured dismal defeat on the Western Front in World War I and refused to return home to the United States.

C. They lost faith in the capacity of Western civilization as a social institution for human progress.


The speaker in the cartoon is most likely an advocate of:

A. socialism

B. social Darwinism

C. laws that prevent monopolies

D. labor unions

social Darwinism


In 1887, Congress passed the Dawes Severalty Act, which empowered the U.S. government to divide Native American tribal reservation lands into allotments. Native Americans who chose to accept one of the 160-acre allotments could receive citizenship and protection under the law. However, the remaining portions of land that were unclaimed by the natives under this law could be sold to other interested parties. Because of the Dawes Act, the natives lost an estimated 90 million acres of original tribal land between 1887 and 1934.

According to the passage, which of the following BEST describes the intended effect of the Dawes Severalty Act?

A. create better business opportunities for African Americans

B. consolidate western land holdings under federal control 

C. encourage Native Americans to become self-reliant farmers

D. accommodate the nomadic lifestyle of Native Americans

encourage Native Americans to become self-reliant farmers


The Smooth-Hawley Act increased import tariffs by an average of 45%.  Many economists believed this economic policy decision impacted which two historical events?

A. Great Depression; World War II

B. World War I; Stock Market Crash

C. Stock Market Boom in the early 1920; Great Depression

D. World War I; election of President Herbert Hoover

A. Great Depression; World War II


For most of the 19th century, American politicians rewarded their friends, family, and supporters with political jobs or favors.

Which of the following BEST fits this political process? 

A. public sector service

B. bureaucracy

C. spoils system

D. electoral system

spoils system


Given the immigration into the United States during the 1900s, which type of jobs did these newly arrive persons find in the urban areas of the East Coast?

A. university professor

B. construction worker

C. education (teacher)

D. farming

E. factory worker

F. cattle rancher

construction worker 

factory worker


What was the purpose of Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws?

A. to allow the white citizens all constitutional rights to voter registration

B. to comply with Southern Defacto servitude, which would limit equality to African Americans

C. to ensure that while all federal laws were obeyed, there would be total racial segregation in all public facilities

D. to ensure that the constitutional rights of former slaves were not violated, and thus keep federal troops from returning to the South

B. to comply with Southern Defacto servitude, which would limit equality to African Americans


After Theodore Roosevelt resigned from his position in the U.S. Navy, he formed a cavalry group known as the "Rough Riders". They were chosen to assist the war effort in Cuba.

What region of the country did the majority of the members of the Rough Riders reside prior to Roosevelt joining? 

A. Northeast

B. Southwest

C. Northwest

D. Central



To conclude the First World War and extend his moral vision of democracy around the world, President Woodrow Wilson created the: 

A. Paris Peace Conference

B. American Peace Commission

C. Fourteen Points

D. Federal Trade Commission

Fourteen Points


The Great Gatsby achieved widespread popularity among the American public because people were able to connect to its view of ____________ from an outsider's perspective. 

A. the lavish lifestyles of the elite upper class

B. the hardships of those who lost everything in the Great Depression

C. the brutal realities of the hard working lower class

D. the comfortable lifestyle of the middle class

A. the lavish lifestyles of the elite upper class


Which statement matches the cartoon above?

A. Powerful labor unions bringing cities to a standstill.

B. Populist movement destroying city governments.

C. President Theodore Roosevelt implementing his Square Deal.

D. Boss Tweed's political machine dominating corruption.

Boss Tweed's political machine dominating corruption.


"Treat the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children."
     -Chief Seattle, 1854

How does this Chief Seattle's statement about how Native American culture views the land conflict with the Dawes Act? 

A. Unlike the authors of the Dawes Act, Native Americans viewed the land as something that provides life and should be preserved and passed on to the next generation.

B. Unlike the authors of the Dawes Act, Native Americans were basically socialists, who believed that land was to be used for the common good and not privately owned.

C. Unlike the authors of the Dawes Act, Native Americas believed that one day nature will rise up and destroy the white man, leaving the Earth to Native Americans.

D. Unlike the authors of the Dawes Act, Native Americans maintained a culture based on creating wealth and passing these benefits to their children.

Unlike the authors of the Dawes Act, Native Americans viewed the land as something that provides life and should be preserved and passed on to the next generation.


A fundamental shift took place in the American economy during the 1920s.  Families spent a declining proportion of their income on necessities (i.e., food, clothing, and utilities) and an increasing share on appliances, recreation, and innovative consumer products.  Given the aforementioned shift in America’s economy, which industry saw a rapid expansion from prior years?

A. Textiles

B. Entertainment

C. Railroads

D. Steel



Which statements below are TRUE about political machines?

[Select ALL that apply]

A. They command a group of supporters in exchange for rewards.

B. They always focused on running local settlement houses.

C. They attempted to move immigrants out of town and into farms.

D. They supported nativist ideas.

E. They bribed members to gain votes.

They command a group of supporters in exchange for rewards.

They bribed members to gain votes.


Who did John D. Rockefeller name as “the most dangerous woman in America,” and why was she given this title?

A. Ida B. Wells, because he believed that her anti-lynching crusade would lead to cities filled with uncontrollable crime 

B. Mary Estelle Harris, because she convinced thousands to join labor unions, which Rockefeller considered a grave threat to his company

C. Carrie Chatman Catt, because Rockefeller believed that her participation in the women's suffrage movement would lead to domestic chaos and anarchy

D. Ida Tarbell, because he considered her attack on his company a threat to all privately-owned businesses, which would lead to Socialist takeover and government-run companies

B. Mary Estelle Harris, because she convinced thousands to join labor unions, which Rockefeller considered a grave threat to his company


Which of the following were NOT efforts to maintain a segregated system in which the civil rights of African Americans would be completely denied? (2 points)

[Select ALL that apply]

A. Grandfather Clause

B. Jim Crow Laws

C. 14th Amendment


E. Poll Tax

C. 14th Amendment



What was the reasoning for selecting men mostly from the southwest for the Rough Riders?

A. A majority of the members were acquaintances of Roosevelt from his college days.

B. This area had a hot climate that was similar to Cuba, which is where they would be fighting.

C. There was little affluence, so many men were unemployed and needed money.

D. Time was of the essence, and men from this region were able to be acquired quickly.

B. This area had a hot climate that was similar to Cuba, which is where they would be fighting.


In 1917 and 1918, Charles Schenck and Jacob Adams were arrested and convicted of violating the Espionage Act, which did not protect their freedom of:

A. speech

B. press

C. religion

D. assembly



"When you go to war as a boy you have a great illusion of immortality. Other people get killed; not you ... Then when you are badly wounded the first time you lose that illusion and you know it can happen to you."

The above quote was penned by the famous author during World War I who later went on to write “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”

Which of the following is the author quoted above?

A. F. Scott Fitzgerald

B. Ernie Pyle

C. Ernest Hemingway

D. Margaret Bourke-White

C. Ernest Hemingway


What does this cartoon illustrate?

A. 15th Amendment

B. 17th Amendment

C. 18th Amendment

D. 19th Amendment

19th Amendment


What policies made up Teddy Roosevelt's domestic agenda?

A. hard work, self-determination, and labor reform

B. conservation of natural resources, control of corporate power, and consumer protection

C. conservative reform, Supreme Court appointments, and trust busting

D. railroad regulation, high tariffs, and public services

conservation of natural resources, control of corporate power, and consumer protection


The graph shows a change in the members of the Knights of Labor, most likely a result of :

A. the Knights of Labor accepting women as members

B. the widespread rise in technology

C. Terrance Powderly being exposed as a socialist

D. the Haymarket Square Riot

the Haymarket Square Riot


Which of the following court cases dealt directly with racial segregation? 

[Select ALL that apply]

 A. Scott v. Missouri

B. Griswold v. Connecticut

C. Marbury v. Madison

D. Plessy v. Ferguson

E. Brown v. Board of Education

D. Plessy v. Ferguson

E. Brown v. Board of Education


Which military unit was a collection of diverse figures from American society and received extensive publicity during the Spanish-American War?

A. Rough Riders

B. Iron Brigade

C. Yellow Jackets

D. Arizona Rangers

Rough Riders


Which major event had the greatest impact on the Harlem Renaissance?

A. the American Civil War

B. the introduction of Jim Crow laws after the Reconstruction Era

C. World War I

D. World War II

World War I


Which of the following are benefits of the assembly line in automotive manufacturing?

[Select ALL that apply] 

A. It encouraged workers to diversify their skillset.

B. It increased the rate of production.

C. It allowed for diversity in services rendered.

D. It lowered the price of goods produced.

E. It increased the diversity of goods produced.

B. It increased the rate of production.

D. It lowered the price of goods produced.


Which of the following statements BEST align with the artist's opinion?

[Select ALL that apply]

A. Jim Crow laws fail to create equivalent opportunities for all citizens.

B. The "Separate but Equal" policy is justifiable in the southern states.

C. Segregation is undesirable in a democratic society.

D. Decisions on segregation are best decided by the state and local governments.

E. Drinking from different water fountains is healthier in a democratic society.

A. Jim Crow laws fail to create equivalent  opportunities for all citizens.

C. Segregation is undesirable in a democratic society.


Read the following list of domestic policies.

 Sherman Antitrust Act

Mann-Elkins Act

Hepburn Act

Fair Labor Standards Act

 What do these policies have in common? 

A. Each law made it much more difficult for Americans to organize labor unions.

B. They were all eventually declared unconstitutional in Supreme Court cases.

C. Each law gave the federal government more  power to regulate the economy.

D. They were all passed in times of economic depression and then later repealed.

C. Each law gave the federal government more  power to regulate the economy.


Which of the following statements best explains a common limitation faced by the reform efforts of the Niagara Movement, NAACP, Ida B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Marcus Garvey?

A. These reformers lacked a clear understanding of the legal system and were unable to formulate effective strategies.

B. The reform movements focused only on economic issues, ignoring the social and political aspects of racial discrimination.

C. The reform movements were mostly supported by white allies, which limited their appeal within the African American community.

D. The reform movements were slowed by a lack of unity within the African American community regarding the best way to achieve equality.

D. The reform movements were slowed by a lack of unity within the African American community regarding the best way to achieve equality.


Read the excerpt below.
"Then I went down to San Antonio [Texas] myself, where I found the men from New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma already gathered, while those from Indian Territory came in soon after my arrival. These were the men who made up the bulk of the regiment, and gave it its peculiar character. They came from the Four Territories which yet remained within the boundaries of the United States; that is, from the lands that have been most recently won in which the conditions of life are nearest those that obtained on the frontier when there still was a frontier...." (p. 14-15)
Source: National Park Service 

What does the author mean by the phrase “…gave it its peculiar character.”

A. The author, Roosevelt, is describing that the regiment is comprised of frontiersmen, implying both roughness and bravado.

B. The author, unknown, is describing how Roosevelt’s unique characteristics are well suited to lead men from the Indian Territory.

C. The author, Roosevelt, is explaining the geographic location of the regiment’s members as a way of illustrating the commonalities bonding the soldiers.

D. The author, unknown, is highlighting how Roosevelt used recruits from the Four Territories to train other regimental soldiers on fighting techniques learned in the frontier.

A. The author, Roosevelt, is describing that the regiment is comprised of frontiersmen, implying both roughness and bravado.


Which answer best describes the social environment in the US after World War I?

A. Hyper-nationalist spirit among many Americans heightened fears of Communist influence and labor unrest.

B. Depleted population numbers in the US slowed the economy and weakened democratic participation.

C. Angry American voters ousted congressional members who voted to remain excluded  from the League of Nations and pressured the government for electoral reform.

D. U.S. farmers enjoyed heightened status after the Great War, as did black soldiers who served with distinction.

A. Hyper-nationalist spirit among many Americans heightened fears of Communist influence and labor unrest.


What was the effect of the new wave of increased production in the 1920s? 

A. There was a greater emphasis on leisure time.

B. Workers became more skilled on a variety of tasks.

C. The quality of the workplace was greatly improved.

D. The economy suffered due to the inflated prices of goods.

A. There was a greater emphasis on leisure time.


Which US government's foreign policy philosophy is best reflected in the cartoon below?

A. Cultural Diversity

B. Exceptionalism

C. Social Darwinism

D. Collective Security

C. Social Darwinism


Which choice BEST distinguishes the domestic policies of Woodrow Wilson from his predecessors, William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt?

A. Taft and Roosevelt deregulated industrial sectors, but Wilson pursued larger governmental overwatch for those businesses.

B. While Wilson wanted a large military in the years prior to World War I, Taft had shrunk the size of the military through Dollar Diplomacy.

C. Roosevelt and Taft were isolationist presidents, but Wilson pursued internationalism.

D. Wilson focused on economic reforms such as tariff issues, banking, and income tax; whereas the two previous presidents concentrated on food regulations and trustbusting.

D. Wilson focused on economic reforms such as tariff issues, banking, and income tax; whereas the two previous presidents concentrated on food regulations and trustbusting.


What was one of the biggest obstacles that Marcus Garvey’s movement faced in its efforts to unite African Americans and people of African descent all over the world?

A. limited communication skills, which prevented the movement from reaching a wide audience

B. opposition from civil rights organizations, which criticized Garvey’s focus on African nationalism

C. the U.S. government’s surveillance and criminal charges, which undermined Garvey’s leadership

D. disagreements within the movement on whether to prioritize political rights or economic empowerment

C. the U.S. government’s surveillance and criminal charges, which undermined Garvey’s leadership


Which statement BEST describes the geopolitical reality of America's imperialist empire following the Spanish-American War?

A. The U.S. granted Cuban independence in return for an exclusive economic trade relationship.

B. The U.S. substituted Spanish imperialism for its own control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.

C. Spain surrendered control of its physical territories but continued fighting a prolonged naval war with the U.S.

D. America struggled under high tariffs raised on American goods by the international community in retribution for rapid U.S. territorial expanses.

B. The U.S. substituted Spanish imperialism for its own control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.


What consequences developed from the hyper-nationalist spirit after WWI?

A. American agriculture continued to provide food at elevated prices to the international market and some black Americans achieved political office.

B. The conservative government of the 1920s pursued better international relations, including war reparations and lowered tariffs.

C. The Department of Justice conducted political raids to arrest suspected radicals and suppress civil liberties.

D. With a struggling economy, the US slowly spiraled into a great economic depression.

C. The Department of Justice conducted political raids to arrest suspected radicals and suppress civil liberties.


Which of the following processes in the 1920s contributed to an economic crisis? 

[Select ALL that apply]

A. U.S. industrial manufacturing capacity surpassed consumer purchasing.

B. Low tariffs invited too much foreign competition.

C. The national temperance movement reduced America’s entertainment industry and eliminated a large tax revenue resource.

D. The Federal Reserve did not have enough funds to back up American bank accounts.

E. Americans artificially inflated the stock market through unrestrained speculation.

A. U.S. industrial manufacturing capacity surpassed consumer purchasing.

E. Americans artificially inflated the stock market through unrestrained speculation.


Based on this cartoon, which of the following factors did the U.S. utilize to prevent Europe from engaging in the affairs of Latin America?

A. The distance between Europe and Latin America was insurmountable.

B. The president at that time applied an extension to the Monroe Doctrine.

C. The U.S. adopted a policy of payments for access to Latin American resources.

D. The U.S. used the Open Door Policy to freely engage with Latin America.

B. The president at that time applied an extension to the Monroe Doctrine.


Examine the list of government acts of legislation below.

  • Clayton Antitrust Act
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Interstate Commerce Act
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

What do each of the legislative actions have in common? 

A. Each act was passed in times of economic depression and later repealed.

B. Each act was made by the legislative branch and would be overturned by the Supreme Court.

C. Each act would allow the government to pass laws benefiting workers and regulating the economy.

D. Each act made it easier for immigrants to work in factories without repercussions from American workers.

C. Each act would allow the government to pass laws benefiting workers and regulating the economy.


How did racism within American society impact the effectiveness of reform movements led by figures such as Ida B. Wells, W. E. B. Du Bois, and Marcus Garvey?

A. Racism encouraged international support, as many countries viewed the U.S. as a champion of civil rights.

B. Racism increased the power of African American reformers, as it unified diverse groups under a common cause.

C. Racism limited the number of supporters reformers could attract, as many Americans did not believe in racial equality.

D. Racism led to stronger legal protections for activists, as many white Americans sought to avoid conflict with reformers.

C. Racism limited the number of supporters reformers could attract, as many Americans did not believe in racial equality.


How did the United States justify its imperialization of the Philippines? 

A. After aiding the Philippines in its quest for independence, the United States was owed territorial authority of the country.

B. The United States wanted control of the Philippines before another foreign power had the opportunity to take it.

C. The United States could see economic benefits from controlling the production of rice and sugarcane in the Philippines.

D. The United States would be able to create many jobs for locals while pursuing their own economic interests in the country.

B. The United States wanted control of the Philippines before another foreign power had the opportunity to take it.


What response did the government have to the Bonus Army's demands?

A. Congress countermanded a decade of conservative economic policy and enacted regulatory action on all aspects of the economy.

B. In an astonishing assertion of legislative power over the executive branch, Congress pressured Hoover and his cabinet to resign.

C. Police intervention resulted in violence and public spectacle, that humiliated Hoover. 

D. Reversing course on isolationist policies, the Senate passed the Treaty of Versailles.

C. Police intervention resulted in violence and public spectacle, that humiliated Hoover. 


In the 1919 Supreme Court case of Schenck v. United States, the court upheld convictions under the Federal Espionage Act. The defendants were charged under the act for distributing anti-draft and anti-war pamphlets. The defendants claimed their activity was covered by the First Amendment protection of free speech. 

What was the conclusion of the trial?

A. All individual rights can be eliminated during times of war .

B. An individual's constitutional rights are not always absolute.

C. The Constitution guarantees the right to distribute pamphlets. 

D. Congress can pass any law to eliminate any part of the Bill of Rights. 

B. An individual's constitutional rights are not always absolute.


Why was Open-Door Policy so important to the United States? 

A. It justified imperialization efforts in the far East.

B. It provided the United States with greater means of production.

C. It created a military alliance with a powerful country in Asia.

D. The United States wanted to improve its economy by opening new markets.

D. The United States wanted to improve its economy by opening new markets.


Who would have MOST LIKELY opposed the Sherman Antitrust Act? 

[Select ALL that apply] 

A. Ida Tarbell

B. John D. Rockefeller

C. J.P. Morgan

D. William McKinley

E. Warren Harding

B. John D. Rockefeller

C. J.P. Morgan


On December 23, 1826, the United States formally signed a treaty recognizing Hawaiian independence. The U.S. established diplomatic relations with Hawaii in 1853; however, such relations and Hawaiian independence ended with the kingdom’s annexation to the United States in ____, which was signed into law by President ____________. 

A. 1898; McKinley

B. 1908; T. Roosevelt

C. 1912: Taft

D. 1940; F. Roosevelt

A. 1898; McKinley


Which of the following developments enabled Henry Ford to mass-produce cars for the American consumer market?

[Select ALL that apply] 

A. private advertising

B. metal alloy chassis

C. synthetic engines

D. assembly lines

E. interchangeable parts

F. random design customization 

D. assembly lines

E. interchangeable parts


Which policy is illustrated by this statement?

America claimed the right to intervene in the affairs of these Latin American countries. 

A. Monroe Doctrine

B. 1898 Treaty of Paris

C. Roosevelt Corollary

D. Platt Amendment

C. Roosevelt Corollary


Why was Hawaii such a crucial acquisition for the United States?

A. The U.S. made a small fortune charging nations a toll to Asia.

B. The islands were a useful refueling station.

C. Without Hawaii, the U.S. would not have access to Alaska.

D. Russia was a threat to democracy and needed to be isolated.

B. The islands were a useful refueling station.


Identify characteristics of the "New Women" of the 1920s. 

[Select ALL that apply]

A. shorter hair and skirts

B. increased public careers

C. higher marriage rates

D. higher labor wages

E. the right to vote

F. increased sexual autonomy

A. shorter hair and skirts

E. the right to vote

F. increased sexual autonomy


American exceptionalism is the proposition that the United States is different from other countries in that it has a specific world mission to spread liberty and democracy. Which President’s foreign policy was based largely on American exceptionalism along with its moral “high” ground guiding the manner in which America influences other countries of the world?

A. President William McKinley

B. President Theodore Roosevelt

C. President Woodrow Wilson

D. President William Taft

President Woodrow Wilson


Beginning in the 1870s, a new line of commodities began to flourish among the Hawaiian Island as a result of the climate and optimum soil.  As this industry grew in Hawaii, a large number of Japanese workers began arrive from mainland Japan.  American business grew in their economic interest of the Hawaii Islands as a result of which hugely profitable and popular commodity? 

A. Soybeans

B. Sugar

C. Pineapples

D. Papayas



Which social issue did John Steinbeck explore in his book The Grapes of Wrath, first published in 1939?

A. the exploitation of factory workers during Prohibition

B. the exploitation of sharecroppers during Reconstruction

C. the suffering of immigrants during the Great Depression

D. the suffering of migrant farm workers during the Dust Bowl

D. the suffering of migrant farm workers during the Dust Bowl


In 1920 Congress passed the Volstead Act into law. How did this law expand the power of the federal government?

A. It called for the establishment of special military colleges to train officers for the Army, Navy and Air Force. Prior to this act, only state and local governments funded and operated educational institutions.

B. The law gave the Treasury Department authority to arrest anyone manufacturing, transporting, or selling alcoholic beverages. Previously, the federal government could not regulate intrastate commerce.

C. This law gave federal authorities the power to prosecute anyone transporting a female across state lines for immoral purposes. Prior to this law, only cargo was subject to federal inspection and regulation.

D. After passage of the Volstead Act, federal judges could preside in cases that involve state laws, provided federal judges were needed to avoid a conflict of interest and ensure a fair trial.

B. The law gave the Treasury Department authority to arrest anyone manufacturing, transporting, or selling alcoholic beverages. Previously, the federal government could not regulate intrastate commerce.


What was the cause of the Boxer Rebellion? 

A. Chinese resentment against invasive Western culture.

B. Chinese government response to Russian aggression in the region.

C. US foreign policies that resulted in increased crime rates in China.

D. American men marrying into Chinese families.

A. Chinese resentment against invasive Western culture.


Which statement describes the changes that took place between the publication of the Horatio Alger books of the Gilded Age and Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath?

A. The dual effects of modern technology and laissez-faire convinced many Americans that self-reliance was no longer effective in a modern, industrialized society.

B. typical view of the Native Tribes changed from of that a savage that needed to be civilized to that of a culture that should be provided with special protection.

C. The vast majority of Americans came to the realization that the Cold War was a government constructed situation designed to ensure that the arms industry continued to profit.

D. The cumulative effect of these publications was the nationwide effort to rid American cities by corrupt political machines and equally corrupt political bosses.

A. The dual effects of modern technology and laissez-faire convinced many Americans that self-reliance was no longer effective in a modern, industrialized society.


What United States policy most likely led to the Boxer Rebellion?

A. Dollar Diplomacy

B. Big Stick Diplomacy

C. Moral Diplomacy

D. People's Diplomacy

Dollar Diplomacy


What demands did the Bonus Army make? 

A. As veterans who resented U.S. involvement abroad, they demanded immediate end to World War I.

B. The veterans insisted on the resignation of Herbert Hoover.

C. Speaking for many desperate Americans during the Depression, they requested additional government regulation on railroads and Wall Street. 

D. As numerous veterans were living in poverty, they appealed for immediate payment of certificates owed to them for war service.

D. As numerous veterans were living in poverty, they appealed for immediate payment of certificates owed to them for war service.