U.S. Presidents
U.S. Geography
Early U.S. History
The 1960's & 70's
American Music

100: The first President of the United States

Who is George Washington?


The Capital of the United States

What is Washington D.C.?


The year Columbus sailed the ocean blue to find the "new world"

When is 1492?

This movement was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and helped to secure vital rights for black Americans

What is the Civil Rights movement?


People "Can't Help Falling in Love" with this King of Rock & Roll. You might say they have a "Burning Love" and he's "Always On My Mind".

Who is Elvis Presley?


The U.S. President who issued the Emancipation Proclamation?

Who is Abraham Lincoln?

This state is home to 30,000 grizzly bears, and is the largest of the United States

What is Alaska?


The document that separated the United States from Great Britain. Nicolas Cage may like to have a word.

What is the Declaration of Independence?


This war was fought to prevent the spread of communism in Southeast Asia by Ho Chi Minh and his Soviet and Chinese allies.

The Vietnam War


Did you have a "Cruel Summer" or maybe you had a wonderful "august"? Either way, I hope coming back to school doesn't have you "Down Bad". 

Who is Taylor Swift?


This U.S. President is also known as the "Father of the U.S. Constitution".

Who is James Madison?


This U.S. State is home to the "Mighty 5" - 5 national parks which include Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyon Lands, Capital Reef, and Zion Canyon national parks

What is Utah?


These two explorers were made famous for their exploration of the Louisiana Territory with help from Sacagawea. One is even related to Mr. Shaw!

Who are Lewis and Clark?


This President is famous for saving the world from nuclear destruction during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

John F. Kennedy


Mr. Larison has listened to this band for what feels like "Centuries". They will have you on your feet to "Dance, Dance", while Mr. Larison says "Thnks fr th Mmrs". 

Who is Fall Out Boy?


The only U.S. President to resign from office?

Who is Richard Nixon?


This is the longest river in the United States

What is the Missouri River?


This Founding Father helped write the Federalist Papers under the pen name Publius. He was also famously killed from injuries sustained in a duel.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?

This mission was "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind", and helped to put the first man on the moon. 

What is the Apollo 11 mission?


Are you picking up these "Good Vibrations"? "Wouldn't It Be Nice" if you were "Surfin' USA" instead of sitting in class? 

The Beach Boys


This U.S. President is known for his 14 Points

Who is Woodrow Wilson?

These mountains are thought to be the oldest in the United States at 1.8 billion years old. They are also home to four monolithic U.S. Presidents. 

What are the Black Hills, South Dakota.

This document served as the first "constitution" of America. Its 13 ARTICLES served to create a "firm league of friendship" amongst the original 13 colonies.

What are the Articles of Confederation?


People born during this time period are part of this generation.

What is generation X?


This early 1900's jazz musician will have you "In a Sentimental Mood". You might watch a certain BIG cartoon show he is featured on while you "Take the A Train".

Who is Duke Ellington?