Causes of the War
Effects of the War
Women's Reforms
African American Reforms
Mixed Bag
This was the act of kidnapping American soldiers by the British, in order to forced them into military/navy service.
What is British Impressment.
Signed on Christmas eve, 1914, this was the name of the peace agreement that ended the War of 1812.
What is the Treaty of Ghent.
This was the term used for the attitude towards women's roles that highlighted the ideal that a virtuous and educated woman would be able to raise children to be better citizens. This resulted in the development of the first American academies for females.
What is Republican Motherhood.
This is the term used for those, often white individuals, who are opposed to slavery.
What is an abolitionist.
This was one of the buildings burned by the British in retaliation for the American capture of York, the Capital of Upper Canada.
What is the White House.
One reason why British sailors passed themselves off as Americans was so that they would not have to be involved in this war.
What is the Napoleonic War (between France and Britain).
This group of people were the real losers of the war, due to the devastation they took in loss of life and land.
Who were the Native Americans.
The mentality that women should restrict their activities to the home and family after marriage was known as this.
What is the Cult of Domesticity
The inclusion of both Maine and Missouri into the Union, through the Missouri Compromise, helped to quiet concerns about this major concern, although it would become a major issue in the coming generation.
What is the legality of slavery.
Beginning in October and November of 1838, this was name that was given to the 800-mile trip the Cherokee natives were forced upon them by the American government, which resulted in more than a quarter of their people dying before they arrived at their final destination.
What is the Trail of Tears
This group of congressmen from the South and the West were strong advocates of war against Britain, and rallied behind the push for the war to move into British Canada.
What are the War Hawks.
Known as the "Era of Good Feelings", this time period following the war showed a development of improved relations between these two groups.
Who were the British and the Americans.
Unmarried women often worked for a few years before their marriage, although only in select careers and earning only this percentage compared to their male counterparts.
What is 50%.
This rise of this type of large scale farming changed the livelihood of many slaves in the South.
What are plantations.
This purchase, made by Jefferson from the French, more than doubled the size of the United States.
What is the Louisiana Purchase.
The British also imposed this on the Americans in an attempt to prevent them from providing France with aid, supplies and support for the Napolionic War.
What are trade restrictions or blockade.
Due to the lack of land acquisition in the Treaty of Ghent helped to solidify the border between these two nations.
What is the USA and Canada.
This movement, which worked to put an end to the consumption of alcohol, was inspired by the message of the Second Great Awakening, and began in this era.
What is the temperance movement.
This religous movement during the late 1700s, early 1800s helped to bring the inclusion of African Americans, both freed and enslaved, into Christianity. This also resulted in the development of religious and social centers for African Americans that resulted in a political voice opposing slavery.
What is the Second Great Awakening.
This was the name of the leader of the War Hawks, who also went on to promote the American System plan to create a strong, stable economy.
Who is Henry Clay.
This was the major reason why Shawnee chief, Tecumseh, felt it was necessary for the native tribes to join together in a united nation or confederacy, and why he eventually also negotiated with the British for assistance.
What is protection of native lands (Louisiana Purchase) and culture.
This is the reason why the War of 1812 is sometimes referred to as the "Second War of Independence."
What is a feeling of the USA being it's own proud, independent nation, separate from Britain.
Several resolutions that were passed at the Seneca Falls Convention unanimously encouraged women to participate in all public issues on an equal basis as men, except this one exception, which although did pass, remained a controversial issue.
What is suffrage (the right to vote).
Urban slaves were often in high demand for jobs as workers in mining, lumber, in mills, on ships, or for specialized occupations like blacksmiths and carpentry, as their white counterparts felt the pull of this high wealth occupation.
What are cotton plantation owners.
This is the name of the convention at which discussions about the war's economic impact on the USA caused the New England Federalists to appear unpatriotic, and resulted in the final dismantling of the Federalist Party.
What is the Hartford Convention.