Gilded Age
Progressive Era
Growing World Power
Cold War
Civil Rights

Mark Twain coined the term_________, a period of time that showed America was glittering on the surface but was corrupt and impoverished underneath. (hint: its what period/era we are studying)

What is the Gilded Age?


This Amendment allowed woman's suffrage.

19th Amendment


Cuba gained independence from this country after the Spanish American War

What is Spain?


During the 1920s and for the first time in America, more people lived in_______ rather than rural areas.

What is Cities?


What country signed a non-aggression pact with Germany?

Who is the Soviet Union?


The Truman Doctrine and the policy of ______established the strategy of keeping communism within its existing borders.

What is Containment?


The youngest person even elected president of the United States

Who is John F. Kennedy?


Building in Washington D.C. that was the Democrat Headquarters for the 1972 election.

What is Watergate?


President elected in 1988

Who is George H.W. Bush?


What was the name of the man, who used a mafia like group called Tammany hall, that used bribery and voter fraud to take advantage of immigrants and corrupt officials in government?

Who is Boss Tweed?


Encouraged African Americans to learn a skill or trade and get employed or start their own business. Said that Jim Crow laws would eventually end

Booker T. Washington


The explosion of what was a cause of Spanish-American War

What is USS Maine?


Those looking to get rich quick invested in the_________. However, once businesses start to fail and banks begin to close, this crashes in 1929.

What is the Stock Market?


Where was the American fleet anchored on December 7, 1941, when the Japanese attacked?

What is Pearl Harbor?


This war started when North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950.

What is The Korean War?


Movement which called for African American power and independence

What is the Black Power Movement?


A war between the Communist armies of N. Vietnam and Non-communist armies of S. Vietnam.

What is Vietnam War?


One unique feature of the presidential election of 2000 between George W. Bush and Al Gore is that (1) the Supreme Court played an important role in the final outcome (2) no third-party candidate was on the ballot (3) both candidates had previously served as vice president (4) the electoral votes in Florida were divided between the candidates

What is (1) the Supreme Court played an important role in the final outcome?


Had a significant impact on the economic, cultural, and social development of the Western United States?

What is the (Transcontinental) Railroad?


is favoring people native to that land rather than those that have immigrated.



At the end of WWI, he created the idea of an international organization to settle international disputes

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


Many people were laid off (lost their job) and were not able to afford goods during the Depression. So, many people looked to start buying things on______, or buy now and pay later.

What is Credit?


What was the name given to the African-American fighter pilots?

Who are the Tuskegee Airmen?


This European nation was divided immediately after WWII and was later reunited in 1990.

What is Germany?


A Hispanic activist who worked to improve economic opportunities

Who is Cesar Chavez?


The U.S. relied on this organization for oil beginning in the early 1970s.

What is OPEC?


Which action did President Ronald Reagan support to achieve economic growth? (1) lowering taxes on corporations and individuals (2) increasing spending on social welfare programs (3) cutting defense budgets (4) increasing the regulation of industry

What is (1) lowering taxes on corporations and individuals?


These newspaper drawings helped bring down the infamous political machine known as Tammany Hall, as well as shed light on issues within our country/government.

What are political cartoons?


President that regulated "Trusts" known as "trust-buster" and Rough Rider

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


The sinking of this ship was a reason US became involved in WWI

What is the Lusitania?


Prohibition ended with the passage of the_______ amendment.

What is the 21st Amendment?


A bomb that gets its violent power from splitting an atom

What is an Atomic Bomb?


The line between North Korea and South Korea is called ___________.  It is also the location of the DMZ (demilitarized zone).

What is the 38th parallel?


The ruling in this Supreme Court case made segregation in public schools illegal

What is Brown Vs. The Board of Education?


What was a major result of the Watergate controversy?

What is the resignation of Nixon?


The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v. United States (1919) and the passage of the USA Patriot Act (2001) demonstrate the principle that the federal government can (1) guarantee citizens the right to bear arms (2) restrict the power of the president (3) limit individual rights in times of national emergency (4) expand the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights

What is (3) limit individual rights in times of national emergency?


JP Morgan controlled the_________ industry; Rockfeller controlled the___________ industry; and Carnegie controlled the_________ industry.

What is Banking (Morgan); Oil (Rockefeller), Steel (Carnegie)?


Exposed the horrible conditions of the meatpacking industry and wrote The Jungle

Upton Sinclair


The purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary was to promote this

What is Big Stick Diplomacy?


This writer named Scott Fitzgerald first coined the term the "______ Age" to describe the 1920s

What is the Jazz Age?


Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower led an Allied attack on German -controlled France

What is Invasion of Normandy (D-Day)?


This multinational military organization was created for the purpose of mutual defense and collective security for the western nations.

What is NATO?


Nation of Islam leader who argued that integration would never solve African Americans' problems

Who is Malcolm X?


This was granted by Ford to Nixon and caused a great deal of controversy.

What is a pardon?


President Ronald Reagan and President George W. Bush shared the belief that tax cuts would result in (1) a reduction in exports (2) the growth of the economy (3) an increase in the federal bureaucracy (4) a rise in unemployment

What is (2) the growth of the economy?


This Act the government trying to control business between states and was initially ineffective.

What is the Interstate Commerce Act


Establish the Hull House in Chicago to help poor immigrant families. Mother of Social Work

Jane Adams


This weapon changed the way that WWI  was fought. Prior to this creation wars were fought by soldiers charging each other on the battlefield.

What is the Machine gun.


The literary and artistic revival in the African American community was called the ______.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


Under this program the U.S. was able to help the Allies by providing supplies.

*hint, you had to write a speech advocating for or against it*

What is Lend and lease?


North Vietnam won the war, the US had to withdraw, and the Peninsula was united under communism.

What is How the Vietnam War ended?


Gave the federal government new powers to protect African Americans' voting rights

What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965?


Lowering the speed limit to 55 mph was a consequence of ______________.

What is oil embargo/need for conservation/reduce oil consumption?


Epidemic disease that is transmitted through body fluids that attacks ones immune system

What is AIDS?