Major Events
Civil Rights
This Amendment to the US constitution outlaws the institution of slavery.
What is the 13th amendment
This monopolist from the American Industrial age owned standard oil.
Who is John Rockefeller?
The Zimmerman Telegram and sinking of the Lusitania (unrestricted submarine warfare) caused the United States to enter this major conflict.
What is World War I
This Supreme Court Decision decided that "Separate but Equal" was legal
What is Plessy V. Ferguson?
Tax paid to allow you to vote, outlawed by the 24th Amendment.
What is the Poll Tax?
This Amendment outlaws the production, sale, and distribution of Alcohol in the United States.
What is the 18th amendment?
This monopolist from the American Industrial age owned a steel monopoly and practiced horizontal and vertical integration.
Who Andrew Carnegie?
The bombing of Pearl Harbor caused the United States to become involved in this major conflict.
What is World War II
This Supreme Court case decided that "Separate but Equal" was not legal.
What is Brown V. Board of Education?
American Citizen who pressed for the Labor Rights of Migrant Farm Workers.
Who is Cesar Chavez?
This amendment provides for Women's Suffrage in the United States
What is the 19th amendment?
This person was a democrat, supported by the populist movement, campaigned for Bi-metal-ism, prosecuted John Scopes, and ran for president three times
Who is William Jennings Bryan?
Rampant over-production, over-consumption led to purchasing on credit and other economic imbalances that led to this major economic event.
What is the Great Depression?

Who were the Presidents during World War 2? 

Who were FDR and Harry Truman?

African American Minister who led the Montgomery Bus Boycott (after Rosa Parks didn't get off the bus), had a dream, and was ultimately assassinated by James Earl Ray.
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.
This amendment allows American Citizens to vote at age 18 instead of 21.
What is the 26th Amendment?
He was the president at the outbreak of World War One, he pushed for the federal reserve, supported segregation in Washington D.C. and the Navy, and proposed the ill fated fourteen points plan.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
This major project led to the detonation of of a test atomic bomb near Alamogordo, New Mexico and ultimately the dropping of two atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
What is the Manhattan Project?

This battle brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history. 

What is the D-Day Invasion?

War that bitterly divided the nation between "Hawks" and "Doves" and was a part of the containment strategy. Major battles include the "Tet Offensive". It left 58,220 dead and 303,644 wounded Americans.
What is the Vietnam War.
This amendment forbids states from denying its citizens their constitutional rights without due process of law.
What is the 14th amendment?
He was President during the great depression, was elected to four terms, pushed the New Deal and Second New Deal through congress, tried to pack the supreme court, and died in office.
Who is Franklin Roosevelt?
This was the first man made object launched into Earth's orbit and ignited the Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States.
What is Sputnik?
These laws keep blacks and whites segregated especially in the American South.
What are Jim Crow Laws?
War the occurred as the result of the splitting of Japanese possessions between the U.S.S.R and the U.S. at the end of World War II. (Similar to the division of Germany). After 3 years of war this nation is still divided at the 38th Parallel today.
What is the Korean War?