Westward Expansion
The Gilded Age
American Imperialism
World War I

This amendment was the first ratified following the Civil War, and banned slavery in America.

What is the 13th Amendment?

Andrew Carnegie was famous for his factories that produced this new, sturdy building material.

What is steel?


He advocated for civil rights for African Americans by preaching that they pursue education at the college level and protest forcefully.

Who is W.E.B. DuBois?


This type of person believed the United States should expand its empire around the world to establish new markets and opportunities.

What is an Interventionist or Expansionist?


When World War I began, the United States decided to do this.

What is remain neutral?


Term for segregation laws in the South following the Civil War.

What are Jim Crow Laws?


This act banned specifically Chinese immigration for an extended period of time in American History.

What was the Chinese Exclusion Act?


The Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust acts were enacted because Trusts were doing this, damaging the free market.

What is developing monopolies or eliminating competition?


America obtained this territory through a covert, and bloodless coup where the Queen was imprisoned and American businessmen established a temporary republic.

What is Hawaii?


This man's assassination led to the outbreak of the war.

Who is Franz Ferdinand?


This act gave Americans a good reason to move out West.

What is the Homestead Act?


Thomas Nast used these to expose Boss Tweed's ring of crime in New York City.

What are Political Cartoons?


This movement tried to get laws passed that favored farmers who were facing hard economic challenges, like railroads overcharging them to transport their goods.

What is the Granger Movement?


The sinking of this ship led to the outbreak of the Spanish American War.

What is the U.S.S. Maine?


This message, intercepted and decoded by the British, was a German offer of an alliance with Mexico against the United States.

What is The Zimmerman Telegram?

When this was completed in 1869 with a golden spike in Promontory Point, Utah, American commerce and travel would never be the same.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


President Garfield was assassinated because of his insistence on appointing only the most qualified people for the job, ignoring this traditional system started by Andrew Jackson decades earlier.

What is the Spoils System?


Samuel Gompers was the leader of this major, pro-skilled worker union in America around the turn of the century.

What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?


Roosevelt's famous phrase that summed up his foreign policy strategy.

What is "Speak softly, and carry a big stick"?


The League of Nations was not very successful, particularly because of this nation.

What is the United States of America?


He moved from Tennessee West with his group of so-called "Exodusters" to Kansas and Oklahoma in search of a new home.

Who is Benjamin "Pap" Singleton? 


European immigrants who were usually Catholic, and from Southern and Eastern areas of Europe were known as these.

What are New Immigrants?
This act signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt, was inspired by his and the public's reaction to The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair.

What is The Meat Inspection Act?


This was one of the main causes of American Imperialism, and had a racial undertone.

What is Anglo-Saxonism?


The Schenck v. U.S. decision placed limitations on this during wartime in America.

What is the First Amendment or Freedom of Speech?