Roaring 20s/Great Depression
Cold War
Social Movements
Global Era

Hundreds of miles of "no man's land" where no territory gained or loss.

What is Trench Warfare?


The practice of buying and paying for products over time in equal installments or selling at a higher price for profit.

What is speculation?


US and Western allies continue to send supplies after Russia created a blockade dividing East and West Berlin.

What is the Berlin Airlift?


This term describes growing public skepticism over presidential statements regarding America's presence in Vietnam.

What is the Credibility Gap?


Nixon's policy to ease tension between US, USSR, and China.

What is Detente?


The "War Guilt" clause of these final terms was considered extremely harsh to Germany and other defeated powers. 

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


A combination of The Great Migration and the contributions of African Americans during WWI led to a cultural and artistic awakening.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


Imaginary barrier between Eastern and Western Europe to cut off travel and communication creating "satellite nations" of the Soviet Union?

What is the Iron Curtain?


Supreme Court ruling that further extended the rights of the accused in that they had the right to counsel even if they could not afford one.

What is Gideon vs Wainwright?

This policy increased openness and transparency in government activities within the former Soviet Union.
What is Glastnost?

First African American to receive the Navy Cross, the highest Naval honor.

Who is Doris Miller?

The change to the U.S. Constitution that banned the sale of alcohol

What is the 18th Amendment?


This US policy intended to limit the spread of communism and provide financial support to Eastern European countries left vulnerable after WWII.

What is Containment?


Creator of the United Farm Workers Organization Committee to primarily secure the voting rights of Mexican Americans and improve working conditions.

Who is Cesar Chavez?


This system of racial separation developed after WWII and dominated South Africa for more than 50 years.

What is Apartheid?


Presidential order that permitted military commanders to require Japanese Americans to relocate to interior interment camps away from Western coastal regions.  

What is Executive Order 9066?


The expansion of government spending to provide relief, recovery, and reform to a devasted American economy.

What is the New Deal?


The fear of the spread of communist influence blacklisted hundreds of Hollywood actors, writers, and directors.

What is McCarthyism?


Demonstrators attending the March on Washington DC in 1963 to demand Congress to pass this JFK bill.

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1964


Presidential order that infringed on US citizens' civil liberties and reasonable right to privacy for the first time in the 21st century.

What is the Patriot Act?


Peacekeeping organization created to maintain peace and encourage friendship amongst nations post-WWII

What is the United Nations?


The verdict in the Sacco and Vanzetti case was influenced by this growing sentiment amongst US citizens in post-war America. 

What is nativism?


The possible acquisition of nuclear weapons and technology by countries that did not already possess them.

What is Nuclear Proliferation?


This political move limited the President's powers to commit troops overseas without first seeking congressional approval first.

What is the War Powers Act of 1973?


This agreement created a trilateral trade bloc in North America eliminating barriers to trade and investments.

What is NAFTA (North Atlantica Free Trade Agreement)?