WWI/Jazz Age
Depression/New Deal
Cold War/50's-60's
21st Century America

What event caused the immediate start to WWI?

What is the Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary


Which of these programs protects the money you deposit in the bank?  (FDIC, SEC, SSA)

What is the FDIC?


For American, WWII began here.

What Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941

This piece of technology started the Space Race.
What is Sputnik I
This began on September 11, 2001
What is the War on Terror

This celebrated era of artistic, musical and literary expression of African American culture began in NYC.

What is the Harlem Renaissance 


FDR's attempt to increase the number of Justices from 9 to 15 failed due to legislative criticism

What is the Court Packing Scandel

Another name for the alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan.
What is the Axis Powers
The threat of Communism, combined with public Congressional hearings that ruined lives and careers by making accusations, often unfounded led to this term, named after the Wisconsin Senator who instigated them.
Who is McCarthyism
President Reagan's Supply Side Economic Policy
What is Reaganomics

Unprovoked attacks by Germany ships sailing towards England was called?  (Main reason US entered WWI in 1917)

What is Unrestricted Submarine Warfare


This term used to describe the long term drought conditions that caused thousands to abandon farms and head to California.

What is "the Dustbowl"

This invasion by U.S., British, French and Canadian troops in France began pushing the Nazis back towards Germany
Who is D-Day, June 6, 1943
This U.S. foreign policy of limiting the expansion of Communism around the world.
What is Containment.
Peace Agreement between Egypt and Israel brokered by President Carter
What are the Camp David Accords

A new type of "fighting" in WWI that resulted from use of new technology including machine guns, it often led to large numbers of casualties for minimum territorial gains. 

What is trench warefare


This program provided "retirement" income for the elderly in order to "open" jobs for younger workers.

What is the Social Security Act

Dropped on Japan twice, this convinced the Japanese to surrender.
What is the Atomic Bomb
This event nearly changed the cold war to a nuclear war after the Soviet Union gave Cuba advanced weapons?
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis
(Double Answer)

After a burglary at this Washington D.C. Hotel, this President became the only one to ever resign 

What/Who is Watergate and Richard Nixon

This international peace organization was the idea of President Wilson, who believed it would make WWI "The War to End all Wars," although The U.S. never joined.

What is the League of Nations


FDR's Plan to fix the economy by creating work programs and securing the banking industry

What is The New Deal

After the war, returning servicemen used this to buy farms, home and go to college.
What is the GI Bill
This November 1963 event changed America and caused many Americans to lose hope in the future.
What is the Assassination of JFK
The Only person to become VP and President without being elected.
Who is Gerald Ford