American Revolution
Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
US Constitution

What were the Townsend Acts?

Taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea.


Why did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence?

To explain American rights and list all the grievances they had against England and the King.


What were the Articles of Confederation?

The first constitution of the US.


The thirteen states followed the Articles of Confederation for a total of 10 years. They eventually found that the Articles were too weak, so they med to create a new plan of government. What was the new document?

US constitution


The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first tax King George levied against the colonies to help pay the debt of which war?

French and Indian War

Thomas Jefferson used the ideas of which of the Enlightenment philosophers to write the Declaration of Independence? 

John Locke


Throughout the American Revolutionary War, according to the Articles of Confederation, the Continental Congress could not...

Collect taxes to help pay for military needs.


How many of the 13 states ratified the constitution before it went into effect?



What resistance group harassed customs workers, stamp agents, and governors and were responsible for the Boston Tea Party?

Sons of Liberty

When was the Declaration of Independence signed?


July 4, 1776

How many states needed to approve to amend the document?

All 13 


There were several compromises made throughout the Constitutional Convention. Which compromise dealt with slavery?

The 3/5th compromise

Why did the Continental Army have so many struggles throughout the Revolutionary War?

America had little money to support the war, few ways to raise money, and fewer people to draft for the military.


According to the Declaration of Independence, where does the government get it's power?

From the consent of the governed (the people.)


Under the Articles of Confederation, who had more power?

The states 


What was missing from the Constitution that the Anti-Federalist wanted added to strengthen states and individual rights?

Bill of Rights


The Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the Revolutionary War. What happened after this Battle?

France began sending aid to the colonies.


Who was the oldest person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Franklin


How many votes in Congress did each state have under the Articles of Confederation?

1 per state


During the Constitutional Convention, what were the 2 plans that together were called the Great Compromise and create the legislative branch (Congress)

The Virginia and New Jersey Plan.