Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4

What was the economic difference between the north and south before the Civil War?

The north was industrial and the south was agricultural. 


Westward expansion was encouraged by the Homestead Act of 1862 because it...

Gave free land to settlers in the west. 


What were the 4 arguments for US expansion (imperialism) during the late 1800s?

1) Economic - The US needed new markets to sell its goods and compete economically with European nations.

2) Military - The US needed to control the seas and increase their naval power for trade and military dominance. 

3) Nationalism - The US needed to expand to promote democracy and peace throughout the world. 

4) Ideological - The US needed to expand to spread Anglo-Saxon civilization and Christianity. 


List three causes of the Great Depression.

1) Declining agricultural prosperity due to overproduction during the 1920s.

2) Consumers buying items on credit.

3) People over speculating on stocks and using borrowed money they couldn't repay to purchase stocks causing the Stock Market to crash in 1929.

4) Corrupt and ineffective Federal Reserve

5) Bank runs causing a banking panic where thousands of banks closed throughout the country.


Political party during Reconstruction that wanted to destroy power of former slaveholders and give African-Americans full citizenship and the right to vote. 

Radical Republicans


Which region had more advantages in the Civil War?



List at least three reasons why the population shifted from mostly rural (country) to urban (city) from the late 1800s (Gilded Age) to the 1920s. 

1) Higher rtes of immigration to the United States

2) Increase in industrial production creating jobs in cities

3) Advancements in technology and innovative city planning (introduction of skyscapers, street cars, etc.)


Which motivation for US imperialism is being depicted in the political cartoon?

Expand to become a great naval power. 


Which cultural development was Niccola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti most closely associated with?

The Red Scare


Laws requiring separation of the races in public facilities were called?

Jim Crow Laws


What event caused 7 southern states to secede from the Union in 1860-61?

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president. 


During the late 1800s, what was the main reason labor unions had difficulty achieving gains for workers?

The government supported business efforts to limit the power of unions. 


What was the Great Migration that occurred during WWI?

A mass movement of African Americans from the south into northern cities to work in factories during the war. 


The quote is most closely asscociated with which development in the 1920s?

"Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am the granddaughter of slaves. It fails to register depression with me." by Zora Neale Hurston

The Harlem Renaissance 


Translates to 'leave alone' when it comes to economic intervention. This means no taxes, regulations, or tariffs. Instead, the market should be completely free to be led by the natural laws of supply and demand.

Laissez-faire economics


What was the purpose of black codes developed by southern states during Reconstruction?

The purpose was to keep freed slaves subordinate to whites. 

The Dawes Act (1887) was passed to...

Force Native Americans to adopt Western culture and farming practices. The law took native lands, divided them into individualized plots and sold them to white settlers. Natives could keep their land if they assimilated to white culture. 


The sinking of the USS Maine in the Havana Harbor and the sensationalized news (yellow journalism) coverage of the sinking caused the US to...? 

Declare war on Spain, starting the Spanish-American War. 


New Deal program that provided retirement benefits to the elderly and is still a part of American life today. 

Social Security Act


Was an intellectual and cultural revival of African American music, dance, art, fashion, literature, theater, politics and scholarship centered in New York City, spanning the 1920s and 1930s.

Harlem Renasissance


The main goal of the KKK during Reconstruction was to...

Prevent African Americans from exercising their rights. 


In the late 19th century, the ideas of Social Darwinism were used primarily to...

Explain the differences in income between the rich and the poor. 


This group believed the people of Asia has a right to govern themselves without outside interference. 

They stated, "We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism, an evil from which it has been our glory to be free."

American Anti-Imperialist League


How did the presidents Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover contribute to the prosperity of the 1920s?

They were largely inactive (supported laissez-faire policies) and allowed businesses to grow unregulated. 


Journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration. This type of journalism was popular in the 1890s and a cause for the Spanish-American War. 

Yellow journalism


Which federal agency helped former slave legalize marriages, locate lost relatives and assisted Black veterans during Reconstruction?

Freedmen's Bureau


What was the difference between the "old" wave of immigrants (1800-1860) and the "new" wave of immigrants (1890-1915)? 

New immigrants tended to be Jewish and from Eastern Europe and they found it difficult to assimilate to American culture. Old immigrants tended to be Protestants from Western Europe and they found it easier to assimilate to American culture. 


Prior to US entry into World War I, what factor most challenged the nation's neutrality?

Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare. 


How did the Great Depression change the role of government in America?

The role of the government greatly expanded. 


A period of fear and paranoia after WWI when the US participated in rounding up and deportating of several hundred immigrants of radical political views. This paranioa was caused by fears of subversion by communists in the United States after the Russian Revolution.

Red Scare


Which federal agency provided clothing, food, medical care and education to many freed people during Reconstruction?

Freedmen's Bureau


How did city bosses and their "machines" rise to leadership in city governments despite their reputations of greed and corruption? 

They provided aid to citizens, mostly immigrants, in exchange for political support. 

What were the 4 M.A.I.N. causes of WWI?

1) Militarism 

2) Alliances

3) Imperialism

4) Nationalism


How does the ideology of nativism relate to the Immigration Act of 1924?

Nativism is an anti-immigrant ideology and the Immigration Act of 1924 restricted immigrants from specific countries (Eastern Europe/Asian) because of xenophobia (dislike/fear of people from other countries). 


Is a party organization that recruits its members by the use of tangible incentives—money, political jobs—and that is characterized by a high degree of leadership control over member activity and usually dominates local politics.

Political machine


Which three states were disputed states in the south in the election of 1876?

Louisiana, Florida and South Carolina


Which movement at the turn of the twentieth century (1890-1915) influenced the government to become more responsive to social issues?

The Progressive Movement


What was the goal of President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy?

To create stability abroad for the benefit of US commercial interests. 


In the 1937 Supreme Court case National Labor Relations Board v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation, the court ruled, "...the right of employees to self-organization and select representatives of their own choosing for collective bargaining...is a fundamental right."

What event was happening in the nation at the time that increased public and political support for workers?

The Great Depression


A system, originally determined by legislation in 1924, of limiting by nationality the number of immigrants who may enter the U.S. each year.

Quota system


Military occupation of southern states during the Reconstruction period was part of which Reconstruction plan? 

Radical Republicans


After initially agreeing on issues concerning African Americans, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois became rivals. Their dispute occurred mainly over which issue?

Booker T. Washinton's lesser emphasis on the attainment of political and civil rights for African Americans, instead advocating for economic progress by receiving technical/industrial education and skills. 


What was the purpose of the Sedition Act passed by President Wilson in 1917?

Made it a federal offense to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive langugage" about the Constitution, the government, the American uniform or the flag. This Act was intended to keep Americans from criticising US involvement in WWI. 


What practice in large part caused the stock market crash that sparked the Great Depression of the 1930s?

People overspeculating on stocks and using borrowed money that they couldn't repay to purchase stocks (practice known as buying on margin). 


The goals of President Roosevelt's New Deal programs. Called the three R's. 

1) Relief

2) Recovery

3) Reform


How did Reconstruction affect the social structure of the south?

African Americans began to demand the same economic and political rights as white Americans. 


What was the main purpose of President Theodore Roosevelt's Square Deal?

To coordinate the efforts of federal and state governments to improve the distribution of wealth. 

He had three main parts to his plan: 

1) Conservation of natural resources

2) Control of corporations

3) Consumer protection


Why did President T. Roosevelt add the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? 

Latin American countries were defaulting on their debts to foreign investors and Roosevelt did not want European countries to have economic control over Central/South American countries. The corollary determined the US would act as a police power and could intervene in Latin American affiars. 


What was a significant effect of the Smoot-Hawley tariff?

Trade between the United States and Europe was greatly reduced making the economic depression worse. 


Occurs when an investor buys an asset (usually stock) by borrowing money.

Buying on Margin