The Red Scare of 1919 and the McCarthy Era of the early 1950's were periods of:
What is persecution of people suspected of holding anti-American political views.
Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights activists advocated for this specific style of protest.
What is non-violent civil disobedience.
This 1972 event contributed to the Counter-Culture's distrust of the American government.
What is the Watergate Scandal.
This way of thinking encouraged private investment through tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy.
What was Reaganomics.
This government program that aided veterans and helped the growth of suburbia in the 1950's.
What was the G.I. Bill.
This conclusion can be drawn from the era of the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids.
What is civil rights sometimes are compromised by the public's fear of radical political groups.
This protest is directly connected with Rosa Parks and her personal demonstration.
What is the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Anti-conformity, pro-drugs, anti-government, were all core beliefs of this movement.
What is the Counter-Culture movement.
Allowing the Soviet Union to join NATO was NOT considered one of Ronald Reagan's military objectives. Name one military objective the Reagan hoped to achieve.
What was:
1. constructing an extensive anti-missile satellite system
2. destroying the the Soviet Union's ability to continue an arms race
3. offer military and economic assistance to communist nations that ended their membership in the Warsaw Pact
Children born to parents from 1947 to 1962 were known as this generation.
What were baby boomers.
Senator Joseph McCarthy became well known for what?
What is accusing and threatening anyone who was a Communist sympathizer.
Civil Rights leaders organized the March on Washington in 1963 for this reason.
What is to support the passage of new Civil Rights legislation.
When John Lennon stated "If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there would be peace"
it reflected this about conformity.
What was the Counter-Culture's disgust with American conformity.
The "New Right" movement that helped to elect Ronald Reagan was spearheaded by this group of people.
What were fiscal conservatives.
Increased advertising, consumerism, and mass communication were all results of this new device everyone had to have in the 1950's.
What was the television.
The collapse of the Soviet Union occurred after the fall of what?
What is the Berlin Wall.
This amendment references the equal protection of law for all races and ethnicities.
What is the 14th amendment.
This 1970 protest gone wrong in Ohio led many citizens to believe that the government could not be trusted and did not have it's citizen's best interest in mind.
What was the shooting at Kent State University.
To President Reagan, "the focus of evil in the modern world" was:
Who was the Soviet Union.
This was the chief objective of President Lyndon John's Great Society programs.
What was to help the disadvantaged in the United States.
The Cold War pitted which two world superpowers against each other?
What are the United States and the Soviet Union.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent in federal troops to enforce integration at this location.
What is Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Trusting elected officials was undermined after an influential leader resigned.
What was the Watergate Scandal with Richard Nixon.
These two policies were promoted by Gorbachev went along with the idea of freedom in East Berlin.
What were Perestroika and Glasnost.
This development in the industries of the United States has led to increased unemployment among unskilled workers.