The 1920s
Great Depression
Cold War
Civil Rights and 1950s

Who was Al Capone?

A Chicago crimelord who bootlegged alcohol


How did the term "Hoovervilles" reflect people's view of the President?

Naming slum towns after him showed they disapproved of him


With which country did Germany sign a non-aggression pact?

The Soviet Union



What term best describes the stockpiling of nuclear weapons by world superpowers?

Arms Race


How did students participate in the Civil Rights movement?

Helped African Americans register to vote 

Marched in protests 

Organized sit-ins


What are the characteristics of the "New Woman?"


Wore shorter dresses and hairstyles


Social smoking, drinking, and dating


How were African Americans impacted by the New Deal?

Competed for jobs

Hurt by the Agricultural Adjustment Agency

Not helped by social security


What was the US' reaction when Germany invaded the Low Countries and France?

The US made a peacetime military draft to expand military force...just in case


What committed the US to a foreign policy based on containing communism?

The Truman Doctrine


What was the outcome of the March on Selma?

President Johnson called for a federal Voting Rights Act 


What problems were hidden by the prosperity of the 1920s?

Income inequality 

Debt from the ease of gaining credit

Agriculture couldn't support farmers


What were the accomplishments of Roosevelt's first 100 days?

15 bills for relief, recovery, and reform


Why was the Battle of the Bulge a significant turning point of the war?

Germans were forced to defend rather than take new territory


What were the underlying causes of the Cold War?

Economic differences between the US and Soviet Union: Democracy+Capitalism vs. communism


In the 1950s, why did Congress increase federal funding to education?

Massive population shifts--more children because of the Baby Boom


Why did America become a more urban society?

Better paying jobs in the city

Farms didn't make as much money

Better quality of life in the city


Why didn't President Hoover want the federal government to interfere in the economy?

He thought it should be the responsibility of local governments 

He thought it was just a natural economic downturn that would fix itself


Which new world organization was a replacement for the League of Nations?

The United Nations


What contributed to a surge in post WWII home construction?

Loans to veterans


What were some results of segregation?

Higher rates of poverty and illiteracy 

Lower life expectancy for African Americans 

More African Americans at the bottom of the economic ladder


What were some of the outcomes of mass production and industrialization?

Consumer economy with a lot of new technology 

More leisure time and better pay 

The Age of the Automobile


What were the causes of the Great Depression?

How easy it was to obtain credit

Uneven distribution of wealth

The stock market crash


Why did the United States initially decide to stay isolated from foreign affairs?

Citizens felt like they were dragged into WWI, and didn't want it to happen again

Citizens felt like they should focus on domestic issues like the Depression instead

Congress passed Neutrality Acts to stop us entering the war


Why did cities begin to decline after WWII?

The flight of the middle class--Middle class people left cities for the suburbs and took their tax dollars with them


What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 do?

Banned segregation in public spaces and public schools

Prosecuted violators of Civil Rights