The Declaration of Independence was signed on this day, month and year.
When is July 4th, 1776?
The Name of this unit given to it because of how it looks nice on the outside but is actually rotten on the inside.
What is The Gilded age?
The name of this unit comes from the steps people wanted to make tworads allowing people to vote.
What is The progressive era?
The open door policy allowed for trade with this foreign country, made popular by president McKinley.
Who is China?
this age was known as the notorious age of jazz, and the age of parties.
What is the Roaring 20s?
The year that is credited as the "start of US history". Also the year that Rutherford B Hayes took into office.
When is 1877?
This is the reason for labor riots such as the Haymarket riot and the Pullman riots.
What is the increase of rent and decrease of wages?
This book by Upton Sinclair revealed the dark horrors of the meat packing industry.
What is The Jungle?
This president was the largest president in the history of the US weighing an outstanding 390 lbs
Who is William Howard Taft?
America returned back to this political state after the first world war.
what is Isolationism?
Known as the primary author of the declaration of independence, this man announced freedoms of the colon is from great Britain and helped lead the revolt against the king.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This term is used to describe when a company buys out all of the suppliers for their company so they don't have to pay any fees.
What is vertical Integration?
This term refers to using "click bait" to catch the attention of people in newspapers.
What is yellow Joutrnalism?
US naval captain Alfred T Mahan wrote this book, leading to the expansion of the past us navy into the modern navy it is now.
What is The Influence of sea power upon history?
THis scandal took place in the 1920s and it involved the cabinet of president harding. leading to a scandal of oil drilling in a national park.
what is the teapot scandal?
This document is one of the four main documents along with the Articles of confederation, bill of rights, and the constitution.
What is the Declaration of Independence?
The men who "built America" Include: Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D Rockefeller, and this man who found fortune in the railroad system.
Who is Andrew Carnegie?
This exam led to the end of political machines such as boss tweed.
What is the Pendleton civil service exam?
This decorated war hero of Argonne forest had this many confirmed German kills of the 1st world war.9
Who is alvin york and what is 25 Germans?
This migration also referred to as the great migration involved this race of Americans.
Who are African Americans?
who is Alexis de tocqueville and what is laissez-faire?
The effects of westward expansion were far and wide, while some major ones being The annihilation of many native-american tribes, The populist party being established, The cattle industry booming and this 4th effect leading to this animal being lost to history.
What is the near extinction of the species of American Buffalo?
this "deal" allowed the conservation of natural resources, control of major corporations and monopolies, and protection of consumers of the free market.
What is the roosevelt square deal?
These are credited as the first 6 points of Wilson's fourteen point plan, created by president woodrow Wilson.
what is Reduction of armaments, Freedom of the seas, End of secret alliances, Removal of trade barriers, Self-determination for nation states, Creation of league of nations?
THis is the theory that human improvement by genetic needs was mandatory and that it was meant to happen and if you weren't normal you were to be sterilized.
What is eugenics?