Who is Henry Clay?
Senator; Creator of the American System
Texas was apart of what country before the United States?
What happened to the second national bank?
Andrew Jackson destroyed the second national bank
What is The Trail of Tears
Indian Removal Act; Native Americans forced to move to the West and led to several Native Americans dying
Who established the first National Bank?
Alexander Hamilton
Who are John Tyler & James K. Polk? What did they do?
Annexation of Texas; 10th and 11th president
The United States got Florida from what country?
What is the Boston Tea Party?
The colonists threw tons of British tea into harbor
What was the first form of the Constitution?
The Articles of Confederation
The United States purchased the Louisiana Territory from?
Napoleon; France
Who was Andrew Jackson? What did he do?
He was the 7th president; A general; Common Man; King Jackson; Indian Removal Act, Tariffs of 1828 and 1832; removal of national bank
What state was the first White House established in?
What is the Boston Massacre?
British soldiers shot into a crowd of Boston colonists
Alien and Sedition Acts
Several laws towards immigrants in the moving to the United States
What is an embargo?
Prohibiting sale of foreign goods
What were the 5 strongest Native American Tribes?
The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek
What is the Beringa Land Bridge
The land bridge that connected Asia to North America; how the first indigenous people traveled here
What is Manifest Destiny?
The United States felt it was their destiny to expand Westward establishing their economy
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
The law that prohibited involvement with foreign powers
What is the Stamp Act?
Taxes on paper goods for American colonists
Who were the Quakers?
A peace and non violence group that settled in the United States to flee Britain
What regions are apart of the Triangular Trade?
Europe, Africa, The Americas
What happened to the first White House?
It was burned down
Quartering Act, Boston Port Act, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act
What was the tariff of 1832?
Andrew Jackson lowered the tariff of 1828 after South Carolina threatened to secede.