Native Americans
EOC Questions
European Colonies in N. America
13 United Colonies
1920's and Random Facts

What best highlights the Anasazi culture in the Southwest?  

Their irrigation networks and large adobe buildings. 


Who is Andrew Carnegie? 

Who is a Robber Barron turned Philanthropist. 


What was technically the very first colony in America that is not included in the original 13 colonies? 

What is Florida 

Founded by Spain years before Jamestown


What was the first official battle of the American Revolution and where was it located? 

What is Bunker hill and Breed's Hill


What were the titles of rebellious women in the 1920's who were known to cut their hair into bobs, smoked, drank, and wore close fitted dresses that were raised above the knee?  

 What is a flapper


What other name were the Mound Builders known for? 

what is the Mississippians 


What is it called when you take a minority group in a society and try to make them like the majority.  

What is Assimilation? 


What was the name of the failed English Colony and what happened to it?  

What is Roanoke, they disappeared. 

Women in the revolutionary war played an important roll. What was that roll and what movement or thought did it spark in colonial women? 

What are spies, and boycotts. The women were in charge of boycotting British goods. George Washington had a large network of spies. 

It made them think that they also deserved the right to an education and equality. 


Who is Miss Whetsell's favorite "playboy" in history? Why is he important to history? 

Who is Henry VIII


Many tribes followed this kind of lineage system, what is it? 

What is matrilineal. 
Who were the six groups that were oppressed during the gilded age? 

Who were the Irish Immigrants, Chinese Immigrants, Women, Children, African American, Farmers 


Name two reasons that Jamestown almost failed. 

What is Dysentery and Malaria 

Many colonies were names for their monarchal leaders. Name two English monarchs and the towns that were names after them.  

What is Jamestown named after James I and Louisiana named after King Louis XIV 


Alcohol was a popular subject of debate in the 1920's enough that a whole amendment, the 18th amendment. What was this called? 

What is Prohibition

Or what is the Temperance Movement


What was the name of the tribes in the Northeastern part of North America? 

Who are the Iroquois 


What was the name of the corrupt politician in New York associated with Tammany Hall? 

Who is William "Boss" Tweed 


What effect did the protestant reformation have on Europe that impacted the Colonies? 

What is create mass confusion and hatred toward a religious group or groups, often resulting in physical altercations and oppression. Thus, leading people to seek a home elsewhere.  


The English colonies were 13 distinct colonies that were separated into four regions. What were those regions? 

What are the New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, Chesapeake Colonies, and Southern Colonies. 


What was the Scopes Monkey Trial about? 

What is a trial against John Scopes who was teaching the theory of Evolution and not the Creationist theory of human creation. 


What was the significant lifestyle did the tribe in the Great Plains have that made it difficult for them when Westward expansion happened in the Gilded Age? 

What is hunters and not farmers


What is this political cartoon about 

What is the Chinese Exclusion Acts

What was the major difference between the French and Dutch relationships with the Native Americans. 
What is the French would intermarry and join the tribe, while the Dutch refused to intermarry and only wanted a business relationship. 

What were the major themes of the Declaration of Independence? 

What is Preamble, New Theory of Government, Reasons for separation: Three groups of 27 specific grievances. 

Extra 200 points if you can list two of the reasons listed. 


What were some economic concerns or problems of the 1920's? 

What is Americans were encouraged more and more to purchase goods on credit

Or what is a drop in crop prices and low wage incomes coupled with high spending in the form of credit.