Political Issues
Government Basics
New Deal Changes
Key Legislation
Political Rights

It divided reservation into individual plots of 160 acres with the hope to establish pride in ownership.

What is the Dawes Act?


2 per state gives them equal representation.

What is the Senate?


Created to watch over the stock market, prevent fraud and guard against another stock market crash

What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?


The passing of this protected consumers health and welfare by insuring quality products.

What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?


This allows citizens to propose laws directly on a ballot.

What is an referendum?


This is made up of corrupt city government officials promising to provide services and jobs in exchange for votes.

What is a Political Machine?


The President appoints a justice to the Supreme Court but they must be confirmed by the Senate is an example of this. 

What is checks and balance?


Provided safety net for workers with unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and insurance.

What is Social Security?


Designed to prevent companies from engaging in unfair practices that eliminated fair competition.

What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?


Law that required jobs be awarded by merit and not by leader's choice.

What is the Pendleton Civil Service Act?


President Taft's foreign policy toward Latin American advocating investment.

What is dollar diplomacy?


The Legislature makes laws; the Executive enforces the law; and the Judicial judges the law.

What is separation of powers?


Built 21 government dams along the Tennessee River to provide flood relief and electricity.

What is the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)?


First federal law restricting Asian immigration to the United States.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


Belief that if government passed unjust laws people should oppose it with protests, boycotts, and other non-violent tactics. 

What is civil disobedience?


Government officials convicted of accepting bribes for leasing federal land to oil companies.

What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?


It is the responsibility of the House to bring this while it is the duty of the Senate to hold the trial.

What is impeachment?


Paid farmers for surplus crops and stored them in warehouses until prices recovered.

What is the Agriculture Adjustment Acts?


Eisenhower's plan to connect the nation through a system of roadways; sparked the middle-class move to the suburbs.

What is the Interstate Highway Act?


It became the chief voice of the women's movement.

What is the National Organization of Women (NOW)?


Congressional committee questioned actors, directors, writers and others about their possible Communists sympathies.

What is HUAC?


Division of government power and authority between a national government and a state/local government.

What is federalism?


Half a million Mexican-American workers were forcibly sent back to Mexico?

What is Mexican Repatriation?


Passed in 1972 which promoted gender equality by guaranteeing girls in school the same opportunities as boys. 

What is Title IX?


Elected officials could be removed from office by special election.

What is recall?