I discovered over three hundred uses for the peanut.
George Washington Carver
City known for her steel industry
Contributed $3 million to promote education in the South
George Peabody
To spread charity with the Gospel, William Booth founded the ___?
The Salvation Army
Founded Hull House
Jane Addams
I patented the first telephone in 1876
Alexander Graham Bell
Became known as the Pittsburgh of the South because of her iron and steel manufacturing.
Ran as the Populist presidential candidate in the election of 1892
James B. Weaver
Tariff set an important precedent for later trade policies with its reciprocity clause.
McKinley Tariff
First lady known for serving lemonade rather than alcohol at the White House
Lemonade Lucy Hayes
I invented the incandescent electric lamp
Thomas Edison
Former Confederate states became known as the ___ because of the rapid and numerous changes in the Southern economy.
New South
Drilled America's first oil well in northwestern Pennsylvania
Edwin Drake
Missionary who introduced reindeer to Alaska
Sheldon Jackson
Leader in the women's suffrage movement
Susan B. Anthony
I found a variety of wheat in Russia that would grow with very little rainfall
Mark Carleton
What rural institution served as a meeting place and records hall?
Local church
Congress passed the Interstate Commerce Act (Date)
Chief Engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge; died before construction was complete.
John A. Roebling
Leader of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Frances Willard
Produced a thornless cactus which could be used for cattle feed in the dry regions of the West.
Luther Burbank
The movement that started after the conference at Mount Hermon
Student Volunteer movement
Speaker of the House of Representatives who improved efficiency of the House
Czar Thomas B. Reed
First state to allow women to vote