Age of Discovery
First Colonies
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies

These were the first people to settle in the Americas.

Who are the Native Americans? 

Growing this crop produced the most money in Jamestown. 

What is tobacco? 


This colony was named after a county in England. 

What is New Hampshire?


This colony was named after a Duke.

What is New York?


Europeans left their lives behind to sail across the world for these reasons. 

What is God, Gold, and Glory?


England's first two colonies. One failed, and one flourished. 

What are Roanoke and Jamestown? 


This infamous series of trials led to the execution of over twenty people in Massachusetts. 

What are the Salem Witch trials?


These are the reasons why the Middle Colonies produced so much grain. 

What is rich soil and a suitable climate?


Columbus and the explores that followed him brought this now eradicated disease to the New World.

What is Smallpox? 


The 13 colonies are divided into these three regions.  

What are New England, Middle, and Southern colonies? 


This group of people founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony to find religious freedom. They found it but did not extend it to others.  

Who are the Puritans?


The Middle Colonies produced large quantities of grain crops, garnering this nickname. 

What is the Breadbasket Colony?


This Spanish conquistador is famous for leading the expedition that resulted in the fall of the Aztec Empire.

Who is Hernan Cortez?

This leader helped ensure the survival of Jamestown with his policy of "He who will not work shall not eat."

Who is John Smith?


These were the primary economic activities of New England due to the region's rocky soil and long winters. 

What are shipbuilding, fishing, and trading? 

These four ethnic groups settled the Middle Colonies.

Who are the Dutch, English, German, and Scottish-Irish? 


Columbus landed on this Caribbean Island in 1492.  

What is the Bahamas? 


This Native American chief ruled over the region where Jamestown was founded and interacted with the settlers, sometimes through conflict and other times through diplomacy.

Who is Powhatan? 


This is the reason why New England was the first region in the Americas that had public schools. 

What is religion? 


This prominent religious group in Pennsylvania believed in pacifism, equality, and inner light and was led by William Penn. 

Who are the Quakers?