Colonial Foundations
Constitutional Foundations
Pre-Civil War
Civil War
Corny Riddles

This was the economic policy that Great Britain was using when they colonized North America. Based on getting natural resources from the colony and selling manufactured goods back to the colony. 



This war in North America was a major event on the road to the American Revolution. It put the British in so much debt that they had to tax the colonists more!

The French and Indian War/ the Seven Years War


This term, used often in US History, meant that the USA was destined to extend from "sea to shining sea." This was a leading cause of the Civil War, as the US got more territory 

What is Manifest Destiny?


Name what the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments did in US History.

13th- Freed enslaved people

14th- African American citizenship

15th- All men (black or white) can vote (NOT women)


What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

A clock


What trading system was being used in this image? 

triangular trade


This slogan became a major rallying cry as colonists got more and more upset at the new British taxes. 

"No taxation without representation!!" 


This foreign policy decision, inspired by George Washington, told European Nations to stay out of the Western Hemisphere or the US would get involved. 

Monroe Doctrine


This group intimidated African Americans into not voting. Have been an organization ever since.

The Ku Klux Klan


Where would you take a sick boat?

To the dock!


The New England, Middle, and Southern colonies all differed because of these factors. (examples include...)



What event is illustrated in this picture? 

Boston Massacre


This compromise entered Missouri as a slave state, Maine as a free state, and drew a line where new territories could either be entered free (above the line) or slave (below the line)

Compromise of 1820, or Missouri Compromise


Which side had the advantage in the Civil War and why? 

North: Had more men, money, factories, manufactured goods, railroads, etc. 


Name one way in which African American voting rights were limited in the South

Poll Taxes

Literacy Tests

Grandfather Clauses


During what month do people sleep the least?

February! It's the shortest month


European settlers displaced these people who were already living on North America

Who are the Native Americans


This book, written by Thomas Paine, told colonists to push for independence and convinced many colonists to join the Sons of Liberty

Common Sense


This abolitionist book, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, got a lot of people to oppose the practice of slavery

Uncle Tom's Cabin


During the war, Abraham Lincoln issued this, freeing all Confederate (NOT ALL) enslaved people

The Emancipation Proclamation


After the Civil War, Congress spent a lot of money and energy to "Americanize" this group of people, characterized by the Dawes Act of 1887. Children were sent to schools where they lost their identities and adults were incentivized to take up "American" farming methods. 

Native Americans


What rock group consists of four famous men, but none of them sing?

Mount Rushmore!!


This term meant that Great Britain didn't care what form of government the colonies used as long as they got their natural resources.

Salutary Neglect


What did the Constitution replace and why?

Ask Mr. Snyder


This Supreme Court decision ruled that African Americans could NEVER be American Citizens

Dred Scott v. Sanford OR the Dred Scott decision


Wealthy businessmen began to build these in the period after reconstruction, building businesses so large that they took up the whole market. 



You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?

Everyone on the boat is married


What is one early form of the colonies governing themselves (and practicing democracy)

Ask Mr. Snyder


What constitutional principle gives power in each branch to prevent any one branch from having too much power

Checks and balances


This quote from Abraham Lincoln signaled how the government wanted to integrate the former rebels back into the Union

"With malic towards non, with charity for all"


What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

The letter "r"