Ye Olde Shoppe
Death and Taxes
Making a Country
Civil War
Mystery Box

The first permanent English settlement in North America.

What is Jamestown?


The names of two goods that Parliament passed taxes on.

What were...(tea, government documents, paper, glass, paint, wine, fruit)?


The first battles of the Revolutionary War were the battles of _____________

What are/were Lexington and Concord?


The number of branches of the US federal government.

What is three?


The name of the US president who was a hero of the War of 1812, held a rager in the White House to celebrate being inaugurated, and allowed Georgia to illegally drive out the Cherokee and take their lands.

Who was Andrew Jackson?


The name of the US president whose election prompted the South to secede.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

The third president of the United States.

Who was Thomas Jefferson?


3 things that were introduced to the Old World (Europe, Africa, & Asia) by Columbian Exchange.

What are...numerous possible responses, such as;

Tomatoes, Squash, Beans, Potatoes, Peppers, Cacao, Cassava, Manioc


The name of the incident where British soldiers shot and killed several residents of Boston during a confrontation.

What was the Boston Massacre?


The river that Washington and the Continental Army crossed on Christmas to catch the celebrating Hessian mercenaries off guard.

What is the Delaware River/Delaware?


The only house of Congress that can create new taxes.

What is the House of Representatives?


The purchase of France's claims to a large area of land west of the Mississippi by president Thomas Jefferson.

What was the Louisiana purchase?


The ultimate, primary cause of the Civil War.

What was Slavery?


The name of the president who ran on a platform of expanding the US, provoked a war with Mexico in order to steal California, New Mexico, Arizona, and more, and then declined to run for re-election because he'd accomplished his whole platform.

Who was James K. Polk?


The expensive war (fought in both North America and Europe) which led the British government to increase taxes on the colonies.

What was the 7 Years War/French and Indian War?


The names of 7 of the original 13 colonies.

What are (Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, & Georgia)?


The young French aristocrat who served with the Continental Army and helped win French support for the 13 colonies.

Who was the Marquis de Lafayette?


What was the name of the first government the 13 colonies created, before the US constitution?

What were the Articles of Confederation


The invention that made growing cotton (and as a result, slavery) into the South's most profitable business.

What was the Cotton Gin?


The executive order Lincoln issued in 1863, after the Union victory at the Battle of Antietam.

What was the Emancipation Proclamation?


The name of the Senator from Kentucky who promoted his plan of the "American System" and really really wanted to be president, but never won. (Though he did help John Quincy Adams get elected.)

Who was Henry Clay?


The Powhatan woman who was married to Englishman John Rolfe as part of a peace treaty between the English and the Powhatan tribe in Virginia.

Who was Pocahontas?


The term for the acts of parliament that closed the port of Boston, revoked Massachusetts' colonial charter, and allowed royal officials to send colonists back to England for trial for certain crimes.

What were The Intolerable Acts?


The nickname of the woman who took over swabbing and loading a cannon for her husband, who was suffering from heat stroke.

Who was Molly Pitcher?


Name 4 rights protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

What are (freedom of speech, the press, religion, assembly, right to petition)


The abolitionist who was born into slavery, escaped, led over a dozen missions to rescue enslaved people, and later worked as a spy and a scout for the Union army during the civil war.

Who was Harriet Tubman?


The name of the t̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶i̶s̶t̶  HERO who seized the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry in 1859, with the goal of convincing enslaved people to join together in a massive revolt.

Who was John Brown?


The method of execution used on the 'Witches' convicted in the Salem Witch Trials.

What is hanging?


The series of wars waged against the Powhatan tribe by the English colonists of Jamestown.

What were the Anglo-Powhatan Wars?


The the incident in which colonists in Rhode Island set a British customs ship on fire as an act of protest.

What was the Gaspee Affair/burning of the Gaspee?


The name of the gay Prussian officer who trained the Continental Army.

Who was Baron von Steuben?


The supreme court decision that established the court had the power to declare things unconstitutional.

What was Marbury v. Madison?


The idea that new states should be allowed to vote on whether to be free states or slave states, ignoring the Missouri compromise.

What was Popular Sovereignty?


The second regiment of Black troops raised by the Union Army, whose story made it to the silver screen in the 1989 film Glory.

What was the 54th Massachusetts Regiment?


The name of the paramilitary Republican youth group who supported Abraham Lincoln's 1860 presidential campaign.

Who were the Wide Awakes?