What advantages did each side have going into the Civil War? Give at least 3 examples for each (North/South)
-Railroads ~ Larger population ~ Navy/merchant fleets ~ Established government/banking ~ Industry/manufacturing-
-Superior generals ~ Playing defense ~ Fighting on their homeland
How would you characterize the economy of the 1920s?
Astounding growth, then last-minute drop off cliff
What was the most important American industry of the 1920s?
The process of shifting the economy from agriculture to manufacturing, involving the use of machines to increase production, efficiency, and the creation of factories
In 1890 _______ out of five New York city residents were foreign born.
What is the basic meaning and goal of Manifest Destiny?
-U.S. from sea to shining sea
-Spread "western" culture/religion to nations + heathens
How were the 1920s the first decade of the "New Times
- co consumer oriented economy
-home appliances
-celebrity culture
-pro sports
-electrification of U.S
-consumer credit
-personal mass communication
-personal automobiles
-American pop music
According to historian Frederick Turner, the disappearance of _______ at the end of the 19th century would prove to be a major challenge to American democracy?
Wester frontier
Name the industry associated with each tycoon:
Rockefeller (oil)
Morgan (banking)
According to FDR what was the cornerstone of the New Deal?
Social Security Act
How are the three branches of government set up under the Constitution and how do they relate to how the country is governed?
Legislative - Makes laws
Executive - Enforces laws
Judicial - Interprets laws
In the Missouri compromise of 1820, _______ was admitted to U.S. as a slave state, _______ was admitted to U.S. as a free state, and _______ was declared illegal north of the 36` 30` parallel of west Missouri.
Missouri, Maine, Slavery
What was the Res Scare of the 1920s?
-Post Bolshevik revolution rise of socialist and communist ideas
-Palmer raids<campaign against communists, Americanists, radicals, and labor leaders
*Led to anti-immigrant statement
Name the industry associated with each tycoon:
Vanderbilt (railroads)
Carnegie (steel)
Why did FDR attempt to change the structure + make up of the Supreme Court
NIRA gave legislative branch power to executive branch, violation of separation of power
Why was Maybury v Madison extremely consequential?
Established the Supreme Courts right of judicial review
True or false: the 1920 election of Warring G. Harding reflected a popular national desire to be more active in world affairs
To create preconditions for economic expansion, what did treasury secretary Andrew Mellon advocate for?
Lower taxes for corporations/wealthy
The process of where large numbers of people migrated from rural areas to cities, leading to the growth of urban populations?
Name two progressive aspects of the new deal
- Moral equivalent of war
- Belief that administrative expertise necessary to have socialism (experts are in charge)
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere.
What were the four main points of the Compromise of 1850?
1. CA free state
2. New Mexico and Utah territories = popular sovereignty
3. Fugitive slave law and segregation enforced
4. Slave trade in Washington D.C. banned (not slaves though)
What were the state of race relations in the U.S the first half of the 20th century?
1. Red summer/race riots/KKK
2. Immigration quotas
3. Red scare
What industry was the 1st big business in the U.S. helping spur the development of a national marketplace?
While campaigning, what type of program did FDR promise to embark on to address the nations woes?
Bold, persistent experimentation