Homefront WWII
Cold War
Civil Rights
1980's - present

Symbol for American women at work in factories during WWII.

What is Rosie the Riveter?

President Truman adopted this policy toward communism at the end of the war.
What is containment?

This theory encouraged people to use strikes, sit-ins and boycotts.

What is nonviolence?


The government of North Vietnam had this political philosophy. (Was this type of government)

What is Communist?


This technological invention helped connect computers and spur the economy during the 1990s

What is the Internet?

Scrap drives, victory gardens, and coupons were all part of the American effort to support troops with supplies needed to carry out the war.
What is rationing?

Another theory used during the Cold War that said if one nation falls to communism than surrounding nations will also become communist.

What is the domino theory?


Started by Rosa Parks and led by Martin Luther King, this boycott lasted for 381 days.

What is the Birmingham Bus Boycott?


This president carried out secret bombing in Cambodia and later resigned.

Who is Nixon?


This economic policy included tax cuts, budget cuts and reduced spending on social programs.

What is Reagonomics?

The effort on the part of Americans to help the government fund the war.
What is the purchase of War Bonds?
American effort to aid and rebuild war torn Europe was highly successful and gained America many allies and goodwill at the end of WWII.
What is the Marshall Plan?

This speech by MLK on the National Mall encouraged the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

What is the "I Have a Dream" speech?


After this incident, Johnson asked Congress for a "blank check" do deal with Vietnam.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin event?


This organization claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks.

What is al-Qaeda?

Japanese Americans property was confiscated and the citizens were forced to move to these in California and many communities in the mid-west.
What are internment camps?
An alliance with other nations in reaction to the growth and threat of communism felt at the end of WWII.
What is NATO?

This 1954 Supreme Court decision made segregation in schools illegal throughout the United States

What is Brown v the Board of Education?


This massacre of over 300 civilians made Americans question their involvement in Vietnam.

What is the My Lai Massacre?


Microsoft founder

Who is Bill Gates?


American and Japanese relations were strained in 1941 by the action by the Americans to place an embargo on this product, in reaction to Japanese aggression in the Pacific.

What is an embargo on oil?

This event launched the space race and the American program, NASA.
What is Sputnik?

This man led the farmworkers movement and used a national boycott on grapes to achieve his goals.

Who is Cesar Chavez?


American troops pulled out of Vietnam after the fall of this city.

What is Saigon?


Al Gore won the popular vote in the 2000 election, but he did not become president because he didn't win this.

What is the electoral college?