Progressive Era
Spanish-American War
US Imperialism
Key People

PE-100: This group fought for equal rights for all minority groups in America. Bonus points if you can name each part of their name.

What was the NAACP?


SPW-100: Although it was a short war, the United States lost over 2000 soldiers during the Spanish-American War. Only a small portion died to combat, most lost their lives to something else.

What is disease and spoiled food?


US IMP-100: America overthrew the queen of this small island nation so that they could have full access to their sugar plantations and other strategic location. It would eventually become a state.

What is Hawaii?


Random-100: The unexpected sinking of this American warship gave America a reason to enter the Spanish-American War and became a rallying cry.

What was the USS Maine?


KP-100: This US President helped to protect the environment and advocated for expanding America's control of other territories.

Who was Teddy Roosevelt?


PE-200: This term was used to describe presidents who broke up Monopolistic trusts.

What is a Trust Buster?


SPW-200:This island in the Caribbean was center of the Spanish-American War and was once a Spanish Colony. Its fight for freedom against the Spanish help persuade America to join the war.

What is Cuba?


US IMP-200:Seward's Folly became the nickname for this purchase of land by Secretary of State William Seward due to the cold, harsh, and barren environment of the territory. What was the name of this area?

What is Alaska?


Random-200: This Supreme Court case allowed for segregation based on the legal grounds of "separate but equal."

What was Plessy v Ferguson?


KP-200: This US President was in power for all of World War I and helped to end Child Labor and regulate the banks.

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


PE-300: This amendment passed in 1920 prohibited states and the federal government from denying the right to vote based on someone's gender.

What was the 19th Amendment?


SPW-300:This Asian country was once a Spanish colony, but after the Spanish-American war, it became territory controlled by the United States.

What is the Philippines?


US IMP-300:The United States used this political strategy of avoiding contact and conflict with foreign powers for a long time, but gave it up around the late 1800s.

What is Isolationism? 


Random-300: Organizations that used illegal means like bribes and extortion to control elections.

What were Political Machines?


KP-300: This African-American leader fought for legal equality for all African-Americans and helped to found the NAACP.

Who was W.EB. Du Bois?


PE-400: This group that was mostly led by women fought to end the production and use of Alcohol in America. They eventually succeeded with when the 19th Amendment was passed in 1920.

What was the Temperance Movement?


SPW-400:This piece of legislation said that United States had no desire in controlling Cuba, but after the Spanish-American War, the US went back on it's word and attempted to control Cuba.

What is the Platt Amendment?


US IMP-400: It took 10 years to create this waterway in Latin America that connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The United States forced multiple countries to build this waterway. 

What was the Panama Canal?


Random-400: In the late 1800s & 1900s, Americans had a lot more free time on their hands to do this like go shopping, attend fairs, listen o jazz music, and much much more.

What was Leisure Time?


KP-400: This important African American figure helped to revolutionize Southern Agriculture by developing hundreds of uses for peanuts and other crops.

Who was George Washington Carver?


PE-500: These types of investigative journalists worked to showcase the issues and abuses of corporations and big businesses. Famous examples include Upton Sinclair, Jacob Riis, and Lincoln Steffens

Who were the Muckrakers?


SPW-500: Before becoming the President, Teddy Roosevelt was a military leader who fought in the Spanish-American War. His group of soldiers became famous for fighting at this key battle.

What is the Battle of San Juan Hill?


US IMP-500: This was Teddy Roosevelt's method of protecting the Western Hemisphere from European powers who wanted to seize control of different countries. 

What was the Roosevelt Corollary? 


Random-500: This fictious book written by a muckraker described the awful and unsanitary working conditions of the meatpacking industry in America. It eventually helped pass the Clean Food and Drug Act in 1906.

What was The Jungle by Upton Sinclair?


KP-500: This woman was a famous muckraker and journalist who helped to expose the danger of oil trusts in the early 20th century.

Who was Ida Tarbell?