Presidential Reconstruction
Congressional Reconstruction
Reconstruction Amendments
Phases of Reconstruction

This president urged Congress to pass An Act to establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


This Pennsylvania Senator was a leading figure in Congress during Reconstruction

Who was Thaddeus Stevens?

This amendment, ratified in 1865, abolished slavery in the United States.

What is the 13th Amendment?


This population made up the great majority of Republican voters in the Southern states during Reconstruction.

Who are African American voters? (Many southern states were majority African American during Reconstruction)


Before becoming president, Andrew Johnson served as this type of government official.

What is Vice President to Abraham Lincoln?


Before the Civil War this group in Congress had been the staunchest opponents of slavery, called for arming Black troups in the Union Army, and for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation

Who are the radical republicans?


Citizenship and equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S.

What are rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment?


This election, marked by widespread fraud and violence, helped end Reconstruction.

What is the election of President Rutherford B. Hayes


What Johnson asks Confederate soldiers to admit in order to be granted a pardon?

What is an admission that they lost the war?


The first Black senator elected to the US Senate

Who was Hiram Revels?

From the state of Mississippi.


According to the text of the 15th Amendment, this right of citizens of the United States shall not be denied or abridged?

What is the right to vote?


Freedmen's Bureau helped formerly enslaved people purchase land, locate family members, legalize marriages, and open these important systems.

What are school systems?


This major event highlighted the struggle between Congress and the Andrew Johnson presidency over control of Reconstruction.

What is an impeachment?


This act aimed to protect the civil rights of African Americans and counteract the Black Codes.

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1866?


The 15th Amendment passed in 1870 banned voting discrimination on the basis of __

What is race?


This group promoted violence during elections, attacked school teachers, farmers, elected officials. In 1865 they overthrew the state Republican Party in Mississippi.

Who is the KKK?


This President said, "White men alone should manage the south."

Who is Andrew Johnson?


Roughly this many African American men held public office during reconstruction

What is 2,000

(including 2 Senators, 14 Representatives, 600 -700 members of state legislators)


This one group opposed the passage of the 15th Amendment

Who are women suffragists?


One of the cruel ironies of the Reconstruction period was that Black people could claim certain rights in the 1870s that they would have to fight to reclaim in this decade.

What are the 1960s?