World War I
Cold War
World War II
Late 21st Century

the idea that the free market, through supply and demand, will regulate itself if government does not interfere



What is laissez-faire?


Germany sent telegram to Germany ambassador in Mexico and the British intercepted telegram

What is the Zimmerman telegraph? 


foreign policy pursued by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II

What is containment?


This is why the US got involved in World War II on December 7, 1941

What is the attack on Pearl Harbor?


series of violent confrontations that began in the early hours of June 28, 1969, between police and gay rights activists outside this place

What is the Stonewall Inn Uprising?


wrote the The Jungle, exposed problems in the meatpacking industry                 



Who is Upton Sinclair? 


British ship sunk by German U-boat as Germany unrestricted submarine warfare 

What is the Lusitania?


These were Russian immigrants who were found guilty of espionage

Who is Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?


During World War II, the United States secretly developed a group of scientists to work on creating this



What is the atomic bomb?                                                       



legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government’ programs and services

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?


journalists who tried to expose the terrible conditions immigrants were living in within the tenements

Who is muckrakers?


passed to prohibit anyone from speaking negatively against the United States government, Constitution or flag

What is the Sedition Act?

 this foreign policy give money to weaker countries (Greece, Turkey) so that they can become democracies like the US, fight against the USSR from spreading communism

What is the Truman Doctrine?

The US dropped atomic bombs in these two places in Japan

What is Hiroshima & Nagasaki? 


Khomeini and his followers seized the US embassy and kept 52 hostages for 444 days

What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis?


an 1882 law prohibiting immigration of Chinese laborers for 10 years and preventing Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens; the first U.S. immigration restriction based solely on nationality or race


What is the Chinese Exclusion Act? 


major Supreme Court case that helps determine the parameters (measurement) of free speech. There is a limit to freedom of speech if speech causes “clear and present danger”

What is Schenck v. US


This was a government committee created to find disloyal people who were a danger to American life

What is the House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?


France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union made up this alliance 

What is the Allied Powers?


Theory from the 1980s that hypothesized that by lowering tax rates, tax revenues would be increased

What is supply-side economics? 

Also accept trickle down economics/Reaganomics. 


Congressional legislation that divided tribal lands and banned Native American customs & traditions

What is the Dawes Act?


the most important point of the Fourteen Points according to President Wilson, the US never joined though! 

What is the League of Nations?


a foreign policy characterized by a willingness to push a dangerous situation to the brink, or edge, of war rather than give in to an opponent



What is brinksmanship? 


This act allowed the United States to provide aid to Allied nations, including Great Britain, France, and later the Soviet Union

What is the Lend-Lease Act?


This Supreme Court Case ruling established the standards by which a public school official can search a student in a school environment without a search warrant

What is NJ v. TLO (1985)?