Early America- mid 1800's
The Gilded Age
Presidential Accomplishments
The Roaring '20s
Landmark Supreme Court Decisions

This document was considered too weak because it granted more power to the states than to the national government. The Constitutional Convention (1787) was organized to fix the problems associated with this document

What is the Articles of Confederation.

During the Gilded Age, this form of transportation helped connect the East Coast of the United States to the Pacific Ocean, allowing for faster travel and shipping times.
What is the railroad
He created the New Deal
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt

This term refers to the acquisition of stocks without actually having the funds to purchase them

What is buying on margin

The court's decision in this case allowed for the 'separate but equal' doctrine in the South
What is Plessy v. Ferguson

This event showed that the new national government had the ability to put down violent resistance to its laws. During this event, George Washington himself appeared to demonstrate the power of the new national government. It involved rebellious farmers.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?

This term refers to men like Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, who monopolized their industries at the expense of their workers and smaller companies.
What is "Robber Barons"
Emancipation Proclamation
Who is Abraham Lincoln

The 19th Amendment took affect in 1920.  What did it do?

Granted Women's Suffrage (right to vote)

In this decision, the Supreme Court established it's power of judicial review, in which it can determine the constitutionality of a law or action.
What is Marbury v. Madison

He created economic plans such as supporting a National Bank and selling U.S. Bonds to pay off the country's debt. He was the first Secretary of Treasury and totally opposed to all of Thomas Jefferson's ideas.

Who is Alexander Hamilton


This was a huge example of Nativism (the belief in protecting the interests of native-born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants or different cultures). During the 1880s, a law was passed ("The _____ Exclusion Act") denying this group of immigrants entry into the United States and even prevented from obtaining citizenship.

Who were the Chinese

Fourteen Points
Who is Woodrow Wilson

This plan changed the role of government in American's lives.  Now the government is more involved with the lives of individuals and more responsible for the economy.  The plan by Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) was called

What is The New Deal

In this decision, the Supreme Court decided that it was acceptable to limit the free speech of American citizens if that speech somehow creates a 'clear and present danger' for the United States
What is Schenck v. U.S.

This happened in 1848 and is where the Declaration of Sentiments was written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

What is the Declaration of Sentiments.


The idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better.  This thinking was used to justify why few were rich during the Gilded Age and most working people were poor

What is Social Darwinism

Vetoed the National Bank
Who is Andrew Jackson

This African American cultural revival took place in New York City, producing all sorts of advances in music, literature, and the arts

What is the Harlem Renaissance


In this case, the Supreme Court established that "Separate but Equal" was NOT equal and that schools segregation in schools was unconstitutional.

What is Brown v. Board of Education


The period after the Civil War that provided many rights and opportunities for African Americans, but ended in 1877.  Jim Crow then took affect for the next 70 years.

What is Reconstruction

This law was passed in 1890 to try and crack down on the practices of big businesses. It was not enforced immediately however...
What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
Louisiana Purchase
Who is Thomas Jefferson

This term refers to the paranoia and racism that existed during the 1920's when many Americans were afraid of immigrants, and especially communists

What is the Red Scare


In this case in 1973, the Supreme Court ruled that a woman's right to choose an abortion was protected by the 9th Amendment.  Currently the Supreme Court is likely to overturn that decision, saying that Right to Privacy or Abortion is not protected by the constitution.  The 1973 case was called...

What is Roe v. Wade.