Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7

This creation allowed more Americans to move west but also invaded the home of the Native Americans and contributed to the near extinction of the American buffalo.

What is the Transcontinental Railroad.


This movement involved large numbers of African Americans moving from the south to the north to escape racism, discrimination, and to find work. 

What was the Great Migration.


This new type of leader came to power in many European countries that were struggling after the end of WWI. They usually gain power through force, and use fear, intimidation, and violence to maintain their power. 

What was a dictator.


This movement was known as a time when African Americans united and fought for equal rights and an end to discrimination and racism in America.

What was the Civil Rights Movement.


The U.S. History Regents has this many parts.

What is 3 parts.

This war was caused by militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism and resulted in Germany facing harsh and severe punishments for their role in the war. 

What is WWI.


This event is widely accepted as the start of the Great Depression. 

What was the stock market crash.


This war was not a physical war. It was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union in a battle to become the world's number one superpower. 

What was the Cold War.


This Supreme Court case made segregation in public schools illegal. 

What was Brown v. Board of Education.


Part I of the U.S. History Regents contains these type of questions. 

What is stimulus based multiple choice questions. 

This age of time period was characterized by a huge growth in factories, production, new inventions, and the rise of cities and urban populations in America. 

What is the Industrial Age.


This time period is known for being a time or prosperity and great change, especially for women. It was characterized by new inventions, the flappers, jazz, and the Harlem Renaissance.

What was the Roaring 20's.


Many nations including the United States used this failed foreign policy to deal with Hitler before WWII began. This policy only helped Hitler grow stronger and bolder. 

What was appeasement.


This event resulted in the death of thousands of Americans and a long drawn out war in the Middle East due to a horrific act of terrorism. 

What are the September 11th Attacks.


Part II of the U.S. History Regents Exam requires you to write this many short essays. 

What is two short essays. 


This agreement officially ended WWI and is widely accepted as being a major cause of WWII because of how harshly it punished Germany for its role in WWI.

What is the Treaty of Versailles.


This natural disaster last over a decade and resulted in many farmers and ranchers losing their lives and their farms.

What was the Dust Bowl.


This event put all Americans on edge as it threatened a nuclear war and a nuclear attack from a neighboring country that sided with the communists and the Soviet Union. 

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis.


This protest called attention to segregation and discrimination on public transportation services within the United States. 

What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott.


Part III of the U.S. History Regents Exam requires you to write a....

What is a constitutional or civics based essay. 


These journalists were famous for investigating the political, social, and economic problems of American cities and reporting on the issues to keep the American public informed. Their work led to great change and reform. 

Who were the muckrakers.


This government plan created by FDR helped lift the United States out of the Great Depression by using the federal government o fix many of America's economic problems. It put Americans to work and created many new government programs. 

What was the New Deal.


WWII ended when this turning point event happened at the order of U.S. President Harry Truman. 

What was the dropping of the atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 


This government tool was used to help try and end discrimination and racism during the Civil Rights movement. 

What was civil rights legislation. 


The U.S. History Regents Exam is scheduled for this date.

What is June 18, 2024.