Cold War
Civil Rights Movement

Strategy used by the US to defeat the Japanese empire in the Pacific Theatre

What is island hopping?


This conflict began when Communist crossed the 38th parallel and attacked a free nation in 1950. The conflict resulted in an armistice and the two foreign nations have not resolved the issue to this day.

What is the Korean War?

The university where a protest escalated to violence when members of the military shot and killed several students.
What is Kent State?

Leader of the Civil Rights movement who believed in nonviolent protest.

Who is Rev. Martian Luther King Jr.?


Name for the two major alliances during the Cold War?

What are NATO and the Warsaw Pact


The 1944 Supreme Court case Korematsu v US ruled that this was legal during times of war. Korematsu's conviction was overturned almost 40 years later.

What is Japanese Internment?


Meaning of the Cold War term "detente" and reason why the US would support detente.

What is cooling off?

What is to decrease federal spending concerning defense and technological competition with the USSR and security the safety of the world from Nuclear warfare?


What were reasons for US involvement in Vietnam?

To stop the spread of communism, to support the French, and to respond to the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Thurgood Marshall argued that "separate could never be equal" during this court case.
What is Brown v Board of Education?

Name for the first Soviet satellite that struck fear in many Americans that the USSR had surpassed the US in technological advancements leading to the Space Race.

What is Sputnik?


Following WW2, President Truman signed Executive Order 9981 without approval of Congress. What did this executive order do to the military and federal government?

What is to desegregate?

A speech made by the President addressing Congress to give military and economic support to Greece and Turkey, that said "the US would help all free nations threatened by communism."

What is The Truman Doctrine?


What are reasons US had trouble fighting in Vietnam?

Dense jungles, muddy roads, weak allies, guerilla tactics, and no end to enemy numbers.


Identify a peaceful protest that brought public attention to the injustices of segregation and oppression of African American.

-Montgomery bus boycott

-Woolworth Lunch Counter Sit Ins

-Freedom Rides

-March on Washington

-Voting Rights March (Selma - Birmingham)


Which president was impeached for their involvement in the Watergate affair?

Who is President Nixon?


This was the purpose or duty of the War Production Board in WW2.

What is to guide transition peacetime industries to war materials production and to conserve and ration scarce resources?


This plan had two goals: to stop the spread of communism and to help rebuild Europe after WW2.

What is The Marshall Plan?


This Congressional resolution took back powers from the president's ability to initiate or escalate military actions abroad granted in the War Powers Act of 1941. It was a response to US involvement in Vietnam.

What is the War Powers Resolution of 1973?


He advocated for black pride and to reach civil rights by any means necessary.

Who is Malcolm X or Stokely Carmichael?


This senator speculated that many Americans citizens were communists and spies for the USSR. He failed to provide proof of his beliefs but nevertheless this greatly impacted the Red Scare.

Who is Joseph McCarthy?


In an attempt to stay out of WW2 these two programs allowed the US to sell war supplies to nations at war. Identify one.

What are "Cash and Carry" and the Lend-Lease Act?

This event marks the most tense days and height of the Cold War.
What is The Cuban Missile Crisis?

Name for President Nixon's plan to end US direct involvement in the War in Vietnam.

What is Vietnamization?

This President sent federal troops to Little Rock to protect African American students and ensure segregation of schools was ended.
Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?

Name for President Lyndon B. Johnson social and economic plan to improve the living and working conditions of America?

What is The Great Society?