a mob outburst at a labor protest in Chicago, turned public against unions
what was the Haymarket square riot
a process for making a street more efficient
what was the bessemer process
a journalist who wrote about social, environmental, and political problems, Americans faced in early 1900's
what is a Muckraker
people migrated to north, mid west, and west from the south, people migrated bc they weren't happy with the inequalities
6 million people moved
what is the great migration
the central bank of the united states
what was the federal reserve
craft union organization founded by Samuel Gompers
american federation of labor
first federal action against monopolies, however, it initially misused against labor unions.
sherman antitrust act
a run-down apartment building
what is a tenament
william Burghardt made a magazine of the national association for the advancement of colored people, so he would show unequal rights
What is the crisis magazine
believing something is worth more than it actually is
what is overspeculat mean
political belief that the economy and business should regulate themselves
what is laissez-faire
the belief only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle, used to justify ruthless practices of robber barons in the gilded age
social darwinism
the growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities
was a New York night club in the Harlem neighborhood and it was run by white gangsters
what is the cotton club
tax from goods from other countries
wealthy and powerful oil trust of the gilded age founded by John rockefeller
who founded the standard oil company
a social movement, or an attempt to organize the interests of a group for a social change.
social philothrampy
what did the political machines do
an organization consisting of full-time politicians whose main goal was to retain political power and the money and influence that went with it
a period of sustained economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge, it doubled nations wealth
what is the roaring 20s
many bank depositors are trying to withdraw money from the bank at the same time
when does a bank run occur
it was a company or corporation so large or powerful that it stifles economic competiton
what did monopoly do
describe vertical intergration
when a single firm owns several layers in its production chain
a reform movement calling for moderation in drinking alcohol
temperance movement
one of the most important writers and thinkers due to the truth and everyday life found in his works, he wrote about black average peopole
who is Langston hughes
new deal program that hired young unemployed men to work on natural conservation projects like planting trees and building national parks
civilian conservation corps (CCC)