The leader in North Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh
Baptist preacher and civil rights leader who advocated nonviolent protest against segregation
Martin Luther King Jr
The year Nixon was elected.
a person who generally supports limited government involvement in the economy and community help for the needy, and upholds traditional values
political pardon
the idea that if a nation fell to communism, its closest neighbors would follow.
Domino Theory
African American lawyer who led the legal team that challenged segregation in the courts; later named a Supreme Court justice
Thurgood Marshall
the scandal that began with a burglary of Democratic Party headquarters and led to Nixon’s resignation
the reduction or removal of government control over industry
a person who believes in a strict, literal interpretation of the Bible as the foundation of the Christian faith
Christian Fundamentalist
1964 congressional resolution that authorized President Johnson to commit American troops to South Vietnam and fight a war against North Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
outlawed discrimination in public places and employment based on race, religion, or national origin
Civil Rights Act of 1964
a plan to make the Republican Party a powerful force in the South by attracting the votes of blue-collar workers and southern whites
Southern Strategy
About 1,000 banks failed due to fraudulent behavior and risky loans.
Savings & Loan Crisis
agreements that provided the framework for a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel
Camp David Accords
a 1973 agreement between the United States, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Vietcong for a cease-fire and American troop withdrawal from South Vietnam
Paris Peace Accords
The march on Selma, Alabama in 1965
Bloody Sunday
a policy that gives special consideration to women and minorities in order to make up for past discrimination
Affirmative Action
The first female Justice on the Supreme Court.
Sandra Day O'Connor
Radical students took over the U.S. Embassy and held 66 Americans hostage.
Iran Hostage Crisis
passed in 1973, this act restricted the President’s war-making powers
War Powers Act
The President who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in
Lyndon B. Johnson
The FBI agent who was leaking information about Nixon to reporters.
Mark Felt
an economic theory which holds that the government should increase the supply of labor and goods, rather than government spending, to achieve economic goals
Supply-Side Economics
The first Arab nation to officially recognize Israel.